“Seriously. You weren’t a weirdo, Marina. What you saw... it was real,” she says, motioning around. “Vampires are real. Your monsters—real,” she says to emphasize her point. “It was the rest of us who were in the dark.”

I nod. She’s right. Everything Maggie and I saw growing up wasn’t our imagination. All the medications they made us take were for nothing. We were right, but in this moment, I wish we had been wrong.

We’re quiet for several moments, each lost in our own thoughts. The silence makes the air thick and awkward. Stacey, being Stacey, attempts to lighten the mood.

“Let’s play a game,” Stacey says excitedly.

“Um... okay? What do you suggest?”

She taps her finger on her chin a couple times before opening her eyes wide.

“I’ve got it. Let’s play tag and seek.”

She can’t be serious.

“I’m serious,” she laughs.

Okay, so she is.

“In here?” I question, not seeing the fun in that.

“No. He gave us permission to roam—let’s roam.”

“What the hell is tag and seek?”

“Just what it sounds like. A combo of tag and hide and seek. Come on,” she says, grabbing my shoulder and turning me toward the door. “Rules of the game. We remain on this level. I hide first, but you have to give me ten minutes before you come in search. Got it?”

“Do I have a choice?”

“Nope,” she singsongs, clearly excited about this child’s play.

“Then you’d better get going.”

I begin to count out loud and Stacey smiles widely before dashing off, giggling while she goes.

My stomach growls, alerting me to the fact I’ve yet to eat, but it will have to wait. Stacey was so excited, and if playing games helps her to smile, I’m going to participate. I can’t pretend I get it, but I never really was one for games. Right now, though, I’m willing to try new things. It’s something I should’ve been doing a long time ago. We need a little fun in our lives, after all we’ve been through.

Giving her another two minutes, I quickly shove a strawberry into my mouth. The need for more is intense, but I told her I’d play, so I repress the urge to continue to stuff my face full of food. Entering the hall, I look left and then right. I’ve only ever been down the right hall. It leads to the throne room and outside, the only two places I’ve been on the estate, outside of my room. Curiosity has me turning left.

The hall is lined with doors. I open each to find empty rooms. I’ve just finished looking under the bed of the current room when a noise from behind has me spinning around. The room is dark, and with the light of the hall, I can barely make out the figure of a girl.

“Stacey?” I call out. No answer.

She turns and takes off in a sprint. Getting to my feet, I fly to the door, trying to catch her. When I reach the hall, I catch the backside of her rounding the corner. I pick up my pace, eager to catch her.

“Hey, come back,” I yell down the hall. She giggles and I throw my head back, jubilant laughter escaping for the first time in years. I feel carefree.Alive.

A simple game of tag has transported me back to the days of my childhood that are worth remembering. Memories of Maggie and me playing the same game. I channel that and live in the moment, running around the curves of the hallway, not even bothering to check the rooms I pass.

When I come upon a large set of iron doors, I throw them open without thinking twice. Looking back over my shoulder, I check to make sure Stacey isn’t creeping up on me. I lost sight of her and she could’ve easily ducked into any of the empty rooms. She could be in pursuit of me now. I giggle at the thought.

Walking backwards, keeping my eye on the door in case she tries to sneak up on me, my calves hit something soft. I turn around and all the excitement I felt quickly turns to dread. A scream rips from my throat at the sight in front of me. My hands come to my mouth to smother any additional shrieks of terror.

Lying in a massive bed is a corpse, charred from the inside out. I can’t tell if it’s a man or woman, the body is so badly burned. Empty eye sockets and a mouth that gapes open make for a horrifying sight. Screams continue to rack through me. Strong hands come down on my shoulders from behind and turn me around.

Julian pulls me into his firm chest, rubbing his hand down my back in a soothing gesture.

“Shhh. You’re all right. I’ve got you,” he whispers into my ear, attempting to calm me down. It works, though my body continues to tremble in his grasp.