“We’ll get you back there. I’ll do whatever it takes.”

The lie rolls off my tongue so easily I almost believe my own words.

Stacey and I spend the day hanging out in my room. Katina brings us snacks while we try on every ridiculous dress in my armoire. Stacey’s two inches taller than me—making all the dresses a little short for her—but it’s a good distraction. Around dinnertime, Katina brings us in pizza with two Cokes, at which we both squeal. Apparently, we share a love for greasy pepperoni and a cold Coke.

We end the day with a card game of War, and part only when Katina forces us to, saying we need rest. She’s right. I only agree when Katina promises that Stacey will be here in the morning. Even though she’s only been here a day, I can’t go back to the loneliness I had before Stacey’s arrival. I’d rather be dead. I spent the past year—prior to my abduction—being painfully alone, and it almost broke me.

I almost beg for Stacey to sleep curled up next to me, but I don’t want to sound pathetic. This will likely be the first time since she was abducted that she’ll actually sleep. She deserves her own comfortable bed. She deserves what I have.

Chapter Sixteen

The next morning, I rise early, eager to see Stacey again. I shriek when I find her already in my room, grinning at me from the table.

“Morning, sunshine.”

“You scared the hell out of me.” My hand is resting over my beating heart, trying desperately to convince it to calm down. “When did you get here?”

She checks her watchless wrist. “I’ve stopped caring about things like time.”

I frown.

“Katina let me in about an hour ago. I ate while you slept.” She plays with her fingers. “Sorry for the intrusion. I didn’t want to be alone.”

The happy girl from moments ago is replaced by someone who’s been through more than I can imagine over the past few weeks. I’ve been living in luxury in comparison, and the guilt weighs heavily on me.What did he do to her?

“I’m glad you’re here.”

She smiles.

“Get dressed. We’re going exploring.” Her excitement is contagious.

I do as she says and dress quickly. Before long, Stacey and I are being escorted by Katina to meet Julian. We’re practically skipping, we’re so giddy for fresh air. The small things in life are what I miss most, like the freedom to choose where and when I come and go.

“Ladies,” Julian says as we round the corner. “Thank you for joining me.”

I nod, feeling tongue-tied at his presence. Just as every other time, he takes my breath away. Stacey nudges me in the side.

“Stop ogling and move. I want to see the sun.”

My lips purse and eyes narrow at her insinuation. The fact that my emotions are so obvious is annoying.If she can tell how affected I am, can he?

“Where are you taking us today?” I ask Julian as we walk out the back door.

“I thought I would share something with you. Something that might help you understand my kind.” His hands are in his pockets and he’s rocking back and forth on his toes as if he’s excited. He looks young and carefree. It’s a look I love to see on Julian.

“I’m intrigued.”

He looks triumphant. Turning to Stacey, he asks, “Do you mind if I borrow her for a moment?”

She looks at me, mouth pulled to one side, as if she’s debating whether or not she should leave me with him.

“It’s fine, Stacey. Go enjoy your sun,” I laugh, hoping she’ll feel all right with going off on her own.

“I’ll just be over there.” She points to the flower garden. “If you need me, yell.”

She narrows her eyes at Julian. His hands raise in surrender.

“She’s safe with me, Stacey. You both are.”