“Why then haven’t you drunk mine?”

He inhales and exhales a harsh breath.

“I fear it would change everything.”

I don’t have a chance to ask what he means because he calls out for Katina and she enters. “Take her to her room.”

With that, he turns and walks out.

Katina walks me to my room, neither of us saying a word. I quickly change into pajamas from the stocked closet and climb into bed. There is so much to process, but for the first time since my abduction, I don’t want to think about any of it. He said he’d keep me safe, and for now that’s the only thing I do believe. For how long, I don’t know, and tonight I won’t worry about things I can’t change.

For the first time in a long time, I sleep soundly. Perhaps it’s his promise of safety or the sheer exhaustion that’s plaguing me, but whatever it is, I’m thankful.

Chapter Eleven


“Bash, I need you to keep an eye on Marcellus’s estate. I want to know who comes and who goes. Take as many men as you need, but I want someone on detail at all times.” I rub my temples, trying desperately to stave off the pounding. “Nobody can know,” I stress, with a warning look that should sayyou’ll die if you’re discovered.

“On it,” Bash says before leaving me alone for the first time since the auction.

I take another swig of whisky, relishing the burn as it coats my throat. I need the buzz that comes from a ten-thousand-dollar bottle of Macallan that’s been aged for forty years. Like humans, vampires aren’t immune to drunkenness, and tonight I’m embracing it.

Law hung around like a damn dog, all but humping my leg. He didn’t leave my side once we were home from the auction. For days I’ve been subjected to his inquisition about Marina and what my plans were, and for days I’ve told him to fuck off. Law did what Law does—disregard orders. What the hell’s come over him I’ll have to try to figure out another day.

Tonight, my mind is solely focused on Marcellus’s threats and the fact that Marina Drake is sleeping one floor above me and I don’t know why I give a damn. Yes, she’s beautiful and yes, her fiery attitude is intriguing, but she’s a mere human. I’ve never been attracted to a human, and whatever this is goes well beyond attraction.

I can read her mind.

That’s not a typical power vampires wield. In fact, no known living vampire has the power. It’s the stuff of legends.Familiar.

The thought is ridiculous. It’s impossible. Yet, the moment I drank from that cup, my abilities changed. They’ve sharpened. That knowledge would be enough for the Council to back off, but it would also start the beginning of the end for the human race. If vampires thought that familiars were more than legend, they’d scour the earth trying to find theirs. The number of innocent people who would die in the process would be catastrophic. Not only would it be the end of their race, but it would likely lead to the end of ours.

Which is the entire reason I can’t give up my throne. Laws need to be upheld. Order must prevail. Otherwise, chaos would reign.

Maybe I should kill Marcellus and prove to the Council I’m not weak. Surely killing one’s family would show how ruthless I’m capable of being? I sigh, knowing that no matter how easy it would be, I couldn’t. Ever. That’s my weakness—loyalty.

A knock sounds and I call out, “Come in.”

Katina leans around the door, “Marina is sound asleep. I gave her the sleeping pills you recommended.”

“Thank you, Katina,” I say, growing more tired by the second. “She needs to sleep.”

“She does, sir.” She nods her head a little too enthusiastically, and my brow quirks.

Katina has always been strange even by vampire standards, but she’s loyal and she shares my beliefs about the auction. Two traits that mean everything to me in this world where I can hardly trust anyone.

“That’ll be all, Katina. Enjoy your evening.”

“Thank you, Sir Crown,” she says, bowing, and I can’t help but roll my eyes. I’ve asked her repeatedly to call me Julian and to stop the damn bowing, but she can’t help it. She insists on being over the top. I should be a harsher ruler, but it’s not who I am. If the Council wants my father, they’ll never find that in me.

On the way to my quarters, I find myself veering down another hall and up a flight of stairs I have no business ascending. Katina told me she was asleep, and I should leave well enough alone. But I can’t. I’m inexplicably drawn to her. Her blood calls to me like no other’s ever has.It’s dangerous.I’m not even sure whom it’s more dangerous for at this point. Her or me.

I stagger my way down the dark hallway until I’m standing outside her door, hand pressed against the heavy wood, trying to talk myself out of crossing a line and invading her privacy. I know I shouldn’t, but the need to see that she is safe and asleep after the night with Marcellus is overwhelming. I don’t know how to deal with this pull.You have to find a way.

Cracking open the door, I’m almost disappointed to find it unlocked. Marina’s smarter than that. I might not know her yet, but I can tell that much. She’s strong. She’s a fighter. Then I remember what Katina had said. She was given the sleeping medicine.

My hand reaches out and runs down her soft, pale cheek. The whisky’s making me bold. Too bold. A strong rush of heat flows through my veins and I shiver a bit from the feeling. It’s something so much greater than I understand.Who are you, Marina?