“What my idiot brother means is I do possess some abilities. Mostly persuasion. I’m able to heighten emotions.”

“Did you do that at the auction?”

Julian’s head cocks to the side, as though he doesn’t know what I’m talking about.

“When you arrived, the crowd became... aroused.” I grimace, hating that we’re somehow talking about sex in any capacity.

“You noticed that, did you?” Julian’s voice is thick.

I clear my throat, needing to not choke on the words.

“It was hard not to.”

Julian smiles. “It was only to distract them long enough so that I could talk to you. If I hadn’t kept them... preoccupied, I never would’ve had a moment alone with you.”

“Why did you need time with me?” My words are whispered. Something is happening. The room is abnormally warm—or maybe that’s just me—and an electrical pull pulses between us.That magic.

“I don’t have an answer for that, Marina. I’m still trying to figure that out myself.”

“Are you doing that magic thing now?”

I pray he says yes. Every synapse in my body is firing. Tingles trail a line from my fingers to my toes. If it’s not his magic, it’s something else mystical. It’s not normal.

“No.” He says the word like a promise.

Lust. Plain and simple, it’s the only explanation. It’s no wonder why—he’s easily the best-looking man I’ve ever seen. A-list actors don’t hold a candle to Julian Bellamy. It’s ridiculous and unfair. Why would the first man I’ve ever had this reaction to be the single worst person to fall for?Karma for lying all of those years.

I must stare for too long, because his eyes twinkle with mischief and a cocky smirk lines his face. Internally berating myself for being so loose with my attention, I huff out an indignant breath, determined to shield myself more effectively.

“Why did you bring me here?”

I need to know why I’m here. The suspense of what’s going to happen is worse than anything. Being on unequal footing because I’m clueless as to what’s going on is really getting to me. I almost feel as if it would have been better if I’d died in the cell back before the auction. At least there, I knew my life was in danger. Here, with Julian’s promise not to harm me, I’m confused. I feel my defenses slipping, and that’s even more hazardous.

“Yes, brother. Do tell. What are your plans for the lovely Ms. Drake?”

Julian considers me for a few moments, which doesn’t help with my unease. His eyes are hard and focused.

“You were brought here for safekeeping. So, I intend to keep you safe.”

Safekeeping? From what?I’m not safe with him. My shoulders slump under his intense gaze. He has no intention of allowing me to leave, which means death is inevitable.

Something swoops through the room, narrowly missing my head. I duck with a shriek.

“Gah,” I screech.

“Aw, that’s just Mosely. No need to fear a basic crow,” Law says, amused.

The crow sits perched atop Julian’s throne, peering down at me with such an intense gaze, I shrink back, unsettled. Slowly, memories of the night I was taken assault me. That crow... it was there.

I point at the crow. “That thing was there the night I was taken.”

Lawrence throws his head back with a laugh.

“Mosely? Doubtful. He’s a crow... they’re a dime a dozen, and besides, ol’ Mose here doesn’t leave this estate.”

I drill Julian with a glare. “You.” My finger slides to point at him. “You did this to me. You took me from my home and made that bird follow me.”

I’m not sure what gives me such gall, but my fear has evaporated, and in its wake is nothing but anger. Perhaps it’s the easy demeanor these men possess today, or maybe I just don’t give a crap anymore. I’m at the end of my rope with nothing to lose.