Marcellus huffs. “I rarely miss.” He picks at his fingers, seemingly uninterested in having this conversation. “It’s been—what—a century since you’ve participated.”

“I found it high time I attend. It ismyauction, after all.”

Knowing that this is his auction makes me sick to my stomach. What sort of a creature would allow innocent girls to be kidnapped and sold off to sadistic blood-sucking monsters? There are blood banks for a reason. Why couldn’t they do something more on the up and up? There have to be plenty of crazy people out there that would willingly give their blood in order to not be kidnapped, tortured, and killed.

Yet, there are plenty of willing women for sex, and trafficking is still a thing. Humans can be just as monstrous with their vices. Ratilda confirmed this auction was done for similar reasons as sex trafficking. For convenience and because they can.

Taking a deep breath, the Crown steps forward, grabs a flute from the tray, and brings it to his nose. In a strange turn of events, the room goes silent. Everyone in the room watches in anticipation. He inhales deeply, sighing at the scent of my blood. A collective gasp rings across the room as every onlooker awaits his next move. Has it been a long time since he drank blood? Why is everyone so entranced by this? What am I missing?

Despite myself, I’m holding my breath, waiting to see his reaction when he drinks me in. Everyone else appears to be on the same page as they all lean in, not moving, speaking, or even breathing. Moments pass, and the suspense is killing me.

“What I find most interesting is that you actually considered sampling a donor. Isn’t that against your principles, dear brother?” Marcellus’s brow rises in question.


These two couldn’t be any more different where looks were concerned. Both are attractive, but one is far scarier than the other. The newcomer has my skin crawling in ways no other in this room has. Not even the wicked couple from before.

“We are vampires, Marcellus. Sampling blood is our lifeline.”

“Indeed. Yet, you don’t.” Marcellus’s lips press together in a thin line, eyes narrowing in his supposed brother’s direction. “Don’t let me keep you, Julian. Taste her.” He grins. “She looks succulent.”


I say the name several times in my head, for no other reason but to remember who I need to take out.

Keep telling yourself that.

Julian glowers in the man’s direction.

“Fine. Fine. If you won’t, then I will.” Marcellus moves toward me and I begin to shake. Being in a room surrounded by vampires would tend to make a human tremble, but something about this particular vampire has me on edge. If I had to guess who’s the worst of the worst, my bet is he’s at the top of the evil hierarchy.

Julian’s arm shoots out, stopping Marcellus in his tracks.

“Don’t,” Julian growls, eliciting an eye raise from the evil vamp.

Julian brings the glass up to his lips, looking pained. His eyes meet mine and I see the conflict. He doesn’t want to, but he’s been called out. I know this as if he himself is saying the words. How, I have no idea... I just know. He’s waiting for my approval and I don’t want to give it. I want to refuse, but if I do, will he protect me from his brother?

I nod my head, giving him permission, as though anything I say matters. I’d rather it be him than the other.

He tips his head back and the dark red liquid runs into his mouth. His eyes close and I watch as he inhales and exhales. A look of bliss transforms his beautiful face. When his eyes meet mine, they glow red, and I can’t help but jerk back in surprise. I knew he was one of them, but the confirmation makes my insides turn.

While Julian stares at me, Marcellus grabs a glass, sloshing a bit out the side. Without fanfare he tips the glass back, downing my blood as though it were a fine wine. When he’s done, he groans, licking his lips in satisfaction. Julian’s drinking had done nothing to stop this monster from taking what he wanted.

“She’s heavenly,” he practically sings. “I do say, Julian, this one may be exactly the distraction I’ve been looking for.”

I grimace, knowing full well I’d suffer at his hands.

“It will never happen. They are spoken for.” Julian snarls.

Ratilda steps forward, like the bumbling idiot she is. “No. No— There are two remaining, and she’s one of them.” I want to tear out her hair for imparting this information to wicked Marcellus.

“Wonderful. I plan to bid on her. Shall we get started?” Marcellus coos.

My body trembles at the declaration. I don’t want him bidding on me. In fact, I don’t want any of these vile people taking me anywhere. I’d rather die right here, right now, than go anywhere with any of these monsters.

“Tonight shall be fun. It would appear we will have a bidding war on our hands, friends.” Ratilda calls out. “Give me a minute to prepare our last two donors.”

They all cheer in excitement, while I internally melt down.