I don’t fight. I’ve lost the will, not trusting that Julian will be safe. Who are the vampires that have him? Are they the Council? Are they just Marcellus’s lackeys?

We get to the hallway and Bash sets me on my feet, moving me quickly down a hallway. A raucous noise behind us has Bash spinning on his feet. Another vampire with glowing red eyes lurches forward toward us. Bash pushes me behind him.

“Run, Marina. I’ll hold him off.”

I stand frozen in place until he screams, “Go.”

Without a second thought, I’m running blindly down a hall I’m not familiar with, in a house I know nothing about. I can try to hide, but I’m human. They’ll smell me, no matter where I am. My arms pump riotously, pushing me forward as fast as I can go. I come to a break in the hall.Left or right?

I’m just about to take my chances on left when someone calls my name from the right hallway. I spin on my heels and catch a glimpse of someone turning a corner. I hesitate for a moment wondering if it’s a good idea for me to follow some unknown person, but they knew my name.

I take off running after the being, coming around the corner just in time to see yellow fabric from a dress swish around yet another corner. The place is a labyrinth, and the further I go, the more unease I feel. I need to get out of here. I need to find the nearest exit and take my chances getting back to Julian’s land.

Instead of continuing to follow this unknown person, I turn the opposite way and head toward what I think is the back of the place. At this point, anywhere other than back where I started is the best choice.

I come to a set of massive double doors and swing them open to find they lead outside. I sigh in relief, finally outside of those walls where death and chaos reign behind me. I take off running toward the woods, but someone grabs me from behind, smothering my cries with a hand over my mouth. Two things happen at once. One, I realize the delicate hand clasping my mouth belongs to a woman, and two, I recognize the scent. It’s one I’d never forget. Not in a million years.

Spinning around, I gasp. “You.”

“Hello, Marina.”
