She nods.

“Love you, Rina,” she says, pulling me into a hug.

“Love you too.”

Shannon steps back, biting her lip.

“Call me as soon as you’re home. Promise.”

“I promise.” Smiling, I turn and push through the exit door of The Shack, letting it slam shut behind me.

When I’m finally alone, I take a deep breath of fresh air, staving off the tears I’ve been holding back. Tonight was a reminder of what my life used to be. That life is gone. Maggie took it with her the day she decided to jump from that cliff and leave me.

I straighten my back, resolved to get home and attempt to get some sleep. The houses begin to spread out more the farther I walk, and it isn’t long before I’m at the edge of town. The sidewalk ends, and I’m forced to walk in the dewy grass or on the street. Since there isn’t a car in sight, I opt for the dry pavement. There’s a slight chill, triggering me to pull my jean jacket tighter around my body. I walk past the last of the streetlamps, preparing to enter the darkness of what we consider to be the beginning of the country. It isn’t long from here.

My parents’ home is less than two football fields away when a sense of unease rolls over me yet again. I speed up my steps, annoyed at how jittery I’ve been today. When the disquiet intensifies, I stop, looking at my surroundings. Nothing.

Pull it together, Marina.

I begin walking at a clipped pace as the wind picks up, tossing my hair haphazardly over my eyes. Brushing the hair aside, I keep my head forward. A cry from behind has me whipping around to see the black crow sitting atop the last lamppost. Once again, it’s staring in my direction.Creepy ass bird.

It’s then that I noticea white van twenty yards away.That wasn’t there before. A feeling of anxiety creeps into my bloodstream. Something isn’t right. The engine is running, but the lights are off. Not wanting to waste another minute, I spin around, moving forward at the same steady clip. My feet carry me another thirty yards before my palms begin to sweat and moisture builds on my brow. I glance over my shoulder to see the van creeping toward me as if trying to go unnoticed. My inner voice is screaming at me to run. So I do.

My feet hitting the pavement doesn’t drown out the sound of the van quickly approaching. I don’t look, desperate to make it home. Only one hundred more yards until I will reach the safety of my parents’ front porch.My arms pump faster, trying frantically to outrun the van.I can’t do it.Looking to my left, I decide to make a run for the cornfield. Once inside the maze of corn, I hide about five rows back behind a large stalk.

Crouched down, willing my thumping heart to quiet, I don’t breathe for fear someone might hear me. The sound of the van moving away has me letting out the breath I had been holding. A sigh of relief escapes as my heavy breaths come out in pants. I sit shaking for what feels like forever before I muster the courage to stand slowly. The sound of the van in the distance encourages me to attempt an escape.

The fleeting sense of hopefulness crumbles asbeefy arms circle me from behind. High-pitched cries force their way from my throat. A large hand covers my mouth, muffling my screams. As I’m pulled through the field, husks of corn tear at my skin. My heart pounds and bile rises in to my throat. Kicking, I fight with everything I have to escape the clutches of this stranger.He’s too strong.

I look up into black eyes devoid of humanity. His face is stone, unmoved by my pleas. It’s then that I know I’m not getting away. The fight drains from me as the man drags me around to the back of the van. My whole body begins to shake uncontrollably. He opens the door with one hand while keeping me pinned under his arm. Once the door is open, he grabs me with both hands and throws me inside. I whimper as a stream of urine trails down my legs, soiling my clothes. Before I have time to process anything more, a stabbing pain sears my neck, and everything goes black.

Chapter Three

My head is pounding.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

My hands come up to rub my temples to ease some of the throbbing so that I can open my eyes. The pain is too intense. Even a slight flutter of my lashes has the pounding intensifying.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

“What is that godforsaken tapping?” My patience is running thin. Surely my father hasn’t chosen this one day to decide to fix up our crumbling house.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I sit up feeling light-headed. Steadying myself, I try blinking a few times to help my eyes adjust to the dark. As the room comes into focus and the foggy haze that I’ve been in dissipates, confusion sets in.

Where am I?

I’m staring at a concrete wall. As I squint to see more, I question my own sight. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I look again.Same concrete wall.

My eyes dart wildly around, registering one concrete wall and bars to my left and right. Spinning on my knees, I shriek when I see yet another set of bars. I scramble to my feet and pull my body up to a standing position. My legs are weak and wobbly, making me unsteady. Pushing with all the strength I have left, I try to open the large door. It doesn’t budge.

“Oh God,” I cry out. “Somebody help me.”

My fists bang on the metal bars, and I pray that somebody will hear me, or they’ll give way. The pain in my head intensifies with every move I make. The tapping continues overhead, and I cry out in hopes that I’ll be heard over the ruckus of whatever is causing the noise. I scream at the top of my lungs. “Help! Please!” Nobody answers.

I’m alone.