“Yes,” I cry out, wrapping my legs around his hips, relishing the sensation of being so perfectly full of him, this person who’s loved me for most of my life. “Thank you,” I whisper, adding my arms into the mix, wrapping them so tight around his chest that he couldn’t leave me if he tried.

“You never have to thank me for sex, peach,” he whispers, wonder in his expression as he pulls back to gaze down into my face. “Being inside you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Bar none.”

I shake my head. “No, I meant thanks for…” I gather my courage and say the scary part out loud. “Thanks for seeing me, the real me. And loving me, even when I was too stupid to realize I loved you back.”

“You are not now and have never been stupid.” He brushes my hair from my forehead with a gentle hand. “But I’m glad we’re on the same page now.”

“Me, too,” I agree, my breath rushing out again as I shift my hips. The movement causes the end of his cock to hit a new, very interesting place inside me, making me wonder…

“Hurts?” he asks.

I shake my head. “No. I was just wondering if I might like being on top.”

He grunts. “Now who’s the control freak?” Before I can answer, he’s executed a gold medal–level sex move, somehow managing to flip us over without his cock leaving my grateful pussy for a second.

I brace my hands on his chest and grin. “Oh, yeah. I like this better. It helps with the height difference. Now I don’t have to stare at your nipples while I’m getting railed.”

He scowl-winces as I shift forward and sink slowly back down on his cock. “I would never ‘rail’ you. That sounds horrible.”

“Don’t sex-shame. What if I decide I like getting railed?” I ask, experimenting with another wiggle of my hips, deeply satisfied by the way Sam’s lashes flutter in response. “Or maybe you’ll decideyoulike getting railed, when we’re in decade two of this experiment and bored by our usual sex stuff. You’ll probably be begging me to strap on a dildo and mount you from behind.”

His half-closed eyes open wide, filled with an equal measure of shock and amusement. “You’re not right in the head, Cho. Not even a little bit.”

I grin. “And you love that about me.”

“So much,” he agrees, cupping my breasts in his hands as I begin to move faster, swiftly finding a rhythm that feels…just right. “You are so fucking sexy. I’m never going to forget the way you look right now. Never.”

I feel the same way, but suddenly, I find my bantering skills impaired. Maybe it’s the shock waves of arousal flowing from my nipples to my core, making my body clench down around Sam’s cock with every stroke of my hips. Maybe it’s the way he shifts one hand to my hip, squeezing with just the perfect amount of pressure as he guides me slightly forward, deepening the connection between us.

Or maybe it’s the naked, vulnerable look in his eyes, the one that lets me see all the way to the heart of him, this man who loves me with every piece of him—body and soul.

Whatever it is, in just a few minutes, I’m back on the razor’s edge, gasping for air as our striving grows more urgent. I start to tremble, and my bones turn to jelly, but just as I’m about to collapse on top of him without the strength or bodily coordination to go on, Sam flips us back over and takes the lead.

With a grateful moan, I wrap my limbs around him and hold on tight as he thrusts deeper, faster, until there’s nothing left to do but succumb to the sexual momentum.

I come crying out his name just as he calls mine. Our voices meet, mingle, and meld, forming a symphony sweeter than any epic gaming track ever written and suddenly I have a brilliant idea.

“Sexy games for women,” I whisper into his ear as he lies on top of me, catching his breath.

He pulls back. “Like…interactive porn?”

“No, not like interactive porn. Like a sexy story line with feelings and challenges to overcome and a few different love interests. That way, you can play it several times with different outcomes. And there wouldn’t be one right answer or way to win. It would be more…choose your own adventure and see if you like it. And if not, you start again.” I bite my lip, the project becoming clearer with every passing second. “And there are subplots, too. Maybe the love interests have to solve a mystery together. Or a crime. Oh! Or there’s a serial killer on the loose and one of the love interests IS the serial killer, but you don’t realize that until it’s too late. And I code it so it’s not always the same character so fans can’t spoil the surprise!”

Sam frowns, but it’s his slightly cross-eyed thinking frown, not his “that’s weird” frown. “And it’s a different crime every season of the game.”

“And maybe we go back in time,” I add, so excited I’m squirming underneath him, making his still-semi-hard erection move in lovely ways inside me. “So, it starts out as a historic game, set in the 1800s or something and moves forward into the present day and then into the future if the series runs long enough. And all the characters are connected in a family tree.” I hum beneath my breath. “Which could get tricky if we have a serial killer on the loose trying to kill our main character, but I can figure that out in the world-building phase.” I point to the bedside table. “Grab me that pen and notepad, please? I need to make notes.”

“And I should dispose of the condom, even though all this wiggling you’re doing right now has my cock convinced we’re not finished yet.”

“Of course, we’re not finished,” I snort as he pulls out and rolls over to stand by the side of the bed. “We’re going to do that amazing thing again as soon as Mr. Raily is ready to go.”

“Mr. Raily?” he echoes with a grin that makes it clear he likes his cock’s new nickname as much as I like “peach.”

“Yes,” I say, reaching for the notepad and pen. “I’m just going to sketch out a few things while I’m waiting. And maybe steal some pretzels from your snack bar. I’m suddenly starving.”

“How about I order something from room service instead?” he asks as he moves into the bathroom to get rid of the condom and wash his hands. “It usually takes them about an hour to deliver.”

“Perfect,” I call back, scribbling away. “That should be just enough time to brainstorm, sex storm, and pick a movie to watch during dinner. Evie’s had us off our phones and all media during meals and I’m craving dinner and a movie. At the same time. With you.”