He’s all I trust, and all I need.

“Hey, hey.” His voice is soft, and he tries to reach for my wet cheeks. “Why you crying, fighter?”

I shake my head, excusing my tears. “Just kinda emotional.”

He looks around the room, dazed. “Naomi?”

I freeze for a moment. I don’t want to tell him what happened. Not right now, not when I know he’d climb out of this bed, unhook his IVs, and go after her. He needs to rest. “She’s out,” I hear myself saying and hope he’s not too angry about the lie later.

He nods and relaxes back in bed again, those sleepy eyes gazing at me. “You look tired, fighter.”

I shrug. I’m tired because I haven’t slept a wink since Daniel got shot. But that sounds needy, so I hold it back. “I’ll be fine.”

“How badly was I shot?”

“Once in the shoulder and once in the side. They say that you were lucky it didn’t pierce any organs.” I shudder, my breath catching on the words. “You should be fine in a few days. You lost a lot of blood.”

“Mmm.” His eyes are sliding shut again, and he looks exhausted.

I kiss the back of his hand again. “Sleep, Daniel. I’m not going anywhere.”

He slides his hand out of mine and pats the side of the bed. “Come curl up next to me. I’ll sleep better with your body against me.”

I shouldn’t. There are tubes and IVs and he’s fucking hurt, but I can’t resist. I crawl into the bed on his good side and hope he doesn’t notice that my feet are covered from the calf down in puffy bandages with big, white, fluffy socks over them. But his eyes are closed, and when I slide in next to him, my butt leaning off the edge of the bed, he puts an arm around me and nuzzles against my neck.

“Mmm, you smell good,” he tells me.

“And you’re going to sleep, you horn dog,” I tell him in a prim voice.

He chuckles, but goes silent again. I snuggle close and listen to the sound of his breathing for long, sweet seconds of peace.

Then, after a moment, he says sleepily, “Who lives?”


“In a horror movie. Who lives?”

“Oh.” I think for a moment. “The innocent girl. The virgin.”

He snorts as if this is ridiculous. “I’d take you over Daisy in a horror movie any day.”

I smile and slide in even closer. “Sleep.”

He does, and I sleep next to him.


I’m pretty much out of it the first day, but by the second, the drugs that Mendoza’s doc has pumped into me are masking my pain, at least the pain in my shoulder—Regan’s sweet kisses and honeyed fingers are driving me crazy.

“Fighter, I need you to climb on top of me, right now.” The pain in my pants is going to kill me if I don’t get relief.

“Shut up, we’re not having sex.”

“How can you say that?” I whine. “I’m a wounded man. You need to render aid and suck on me.”

“Pretty sure that’s succor,” she says, but there’s a small smile running around the edges of her mouth. I’m thinking she could be talked into this.

“My dick is so hard right now that if you don’t cover it with your pussy, it’s going to break off. I don’t think you want to be responsible for that kind of damage.” My right arm is undamaged, so I use it to palm her sweet breast. The nipple firms up under my fingers, and Regan bites her lip. Yup, she’s convincible. I slip my hand around to her back and pull her down. She resists at first, but with a firm tug I have her mouth right against mine. “Pretend I’m Sleeping Beauty,” I whisper against her lips, and she’s laughing until I slide my tongue into her mouth.

She whimpers sweetly in response. I plunge my tongue inside her mouth like how I want to be fucking her hot little pussy. “Climb on top of me, fighter.” My one good hand grips her ass and pulls her on top of me, but her clothes are in the way of our feeling good.

Fortunately, she’s wearing a loose-fitting skirt, which I wrench out the way. There’s a tearing sound, but I couldn’t care less. The thin blanket covering my lower half is kicked off, and then her hot cunt is sliding against my rock-hard dick. The wetness slicks her path, and my body is engulfed in flames. I’m burning up with want for her. “Jesus, I need you on my dick right now.” Taking my aching cock in hand, I center it at her entrance, and she slides down slow.

I can’t take my eyes off our joined flesh.

When her hot, wet heat envelops me, I drop my head back, and both her hands crash down on either side of my head. Her hips rise, and she pulls off me almost completely before gliding back down in slow, small torturous increments. It’s like she wants to kill me—but if this is how I go out, then glory fucking hallelujah.