Page 76 of Ice King

“But a good scandal,” Baby says over him. “You may hate me, and the feeling is mutual, but I know stories, and this is going to be one hell of a story. People are going to obsess over this, and it’ll totally eclipse that stuff with Marie. And to top it all off, I’ll take down the original story I wrote. I won’t retract it, and I can’t remove all the other stories that have been written since then, but I’ll remove the original.” She bats her eyes and smiles girlishly at William. “Assuming you’d have me.”

William says nothing. He only stares at her, an ugly look of loathing on his face, and I suspect he’s not happy about it but he’ll do whatever his father says.

“This is your way out, Magnus,” I say, leaning forward. I squeeze Marie’s hand. I can feel her tension, but she’s keeping herself contained for now. “Marry Baby to William. Get a Pearce girl in the bargain. Solve all these ugly image problems once and for all.”

“It’s a good solution,” Marie’s father says, leaning back. Of course he thinks that—he still gets everything he wants. “I say we do it.”

“I obviously will do it, since I’m here.” Baby shrugs and crosses her arms. “What do you think, William? Think you can handle being married to me?”

William scowls. “I can handle it, I just won’t enjoy it.”

“Magnus, before you ruin this, give it some time.” I meet his gaze and nod once. “Believe me. This is the right move.”

Magnus takes a long breath and sits back, staring from Baby to William and back to Marie, and I can see him doing the math in his head.

But the conclusion is forgone. There’s no other way out of this, nothing nearly so clean at least. He sighs and waves a hand.

“I’ll have to do background checks and look into her, but yes, this could be acceptable.”

“What a ringing endorsement from my future father-in-law,” Baby says with a sigh.

“Don’t act like you’re excited.” William stands abruptly. “Since nobody really cares what I want from my life, I think I’ll take my leave here.”

“William,” Magnus snaps.

But William only looks at his father, shakes his head, and walks out.

Magnus watches his son go and sighs, slowly getting to his feet. “I’ll speak with my son and have my people discuss the idea. I’ll admit, it’s strange and unconventional, but it may work out for everyone.”

“In the meantime, I want a truce.” I stand and walk to him, hand extended.

He shakes. “Truce. For now. You’re lucky you’re clever, Drake. But it won’t save you the next time you cross me.”

“I look forward to finding out.”

He shakes his head and walks off.

“That was eventful,” Marie’s father says. He stands and walks to the drink tray and pours himself a large whiskey. “As fun as it’s been, I want you all to get the hell out of my house. I have some planning to do. Bella, may I have a word?”

“Another time, Pops,” Baby says, grinning at him. “I think I’ll head back with my friends and my sister.”

Marie goes to her and they walk out together, arm in arm. Baptist follows at a distance, and I stay close to them. I hesitate before leaving, and look back at Marie’s father.

“You’re lucky you have two daughters half so incredible as those two, and you don’t remotely deserve them.”

“Like you do?” He sneers at me. “Good luck with Marie, Drake. I suspect you’ll need it. She’s not easy, that one.”

I shake my head and leave. That fucking bastard is going to be a pain in my ass, but to hell with him.

I meet Marie and Bella out front. Baptist is back in his car, waiting.

“Why are you doing this?” Marie asks her, hugging her tight. “I mean, seriously, you can’t just be doing this to help me. I won’t let you.”

“Don’t worry, girl. I’ve got my own reasons for marrying into that family. It’s got nothing to do with you or our dear father.” Baby kisses her cheek. “I love you though and I’m glad we’re sisters.”

“I’m glad too. I just don’t want you doing this if you’re—” She stops and shakes her head, looking worried.

Baby looks past her, down toward where the Crawford car is disappearing into the distance. “I know it’s weird. I know you probably think I’m being crazy. But I’ve got to do this for myself. Can you trust me?”

“I trust you, sister. I just worry.”

“Don’t worry about me. I’m Bella Baby. I can handle some rich, spoiled asshole.” She laughs and walks off. Baby waves and joins Baptist, and together they pull out, heading into the city.

Leaving me alone with Marie, standing in front of our car.

“What now?” she asks.

I turn to her and pull her against me. “Now we go have a life.”