Page 22 of Ice King

I just released evidence that William Crawford’s been cheating on me. This is the worst imaginable time for me to get involved with Ansell.

“Yes, basically, and please keep your voice down.” I glare at him, walking faster to maintain his pace.

“Are you embarrassed of me, Pearce? That’s interesting. I don’t think I’ve been with a woman that was embarrassed of me after. Clingy, yes, gold digging, most certainly, but embarrassed? This is a first.”

“I’m not embarrassed, you asshole, it’s just that we work together. I don’t want people thinking I’m sleeping with the boss to get a promotion. And I’ll remind you that I’m currently embroiled in a terrible scandal involving my former fiancé and his uber-rich family.”

“That’s a fair point. But you should try to sleep with me to get ahead. It wouldn’t work though, but you should try. Here we are.” He pushes open a small conference room door and I slip past him.

I stare at him before following. Is this guy for real? I can’t tell if he’s joking or not because his face doesn’t crack an inch. The Ice King is back.

Baptist is sitting at the table scrolling through his phone. He glances up and stands when I enter, grinning, and Ansell comes in behind me. I hesitate, fear spiking in my stomach. If I were them, I’d fire me on the spot right here and now to make sure that the Crawford family doesn’t come after their business. It makes sense—after the crap with Heiko, Ansell’s got a lot to lose.

They should cut me loose and burn me to the ground like all my other friends are.

I wouldn’t even blame them. I mean, why would they want to keep a liability like me employed?

God, I’m so stupid. I never should’ve blown up my life like this. That’s exactly what they’re about to do. I’m going to be jobless, friendless, totally ruined by the end of the day.

If I hadn’t been so impulsive, I could’ve left William without making such a fuss. It would’ve sucked and it still would’ve hurt, but at least it wouldn’t have made William want to burn my entire life to the ground and destroy everyone around me.

I’m toxic. I’m radioactive. And now Ansell and Baptist are going to toss me out on my ass, and I totally deserve it.

“Woman of the hour,” Baptist says and shakes my hand. “How are you doing?”

“Um, fine, I think.” I glance at Ansell. “Am I getting fired? I don’t blame you if I am, I mean, I’d totally fire me too after everything. I can clean out my desk and be gone, I just need an hour to send a few emails and figure out—”

“Pearce.” Ansell’s glaring at me, or at least I think he is. It’s really hard to tell. He’s always glaring. “Stop it.”

Baptist laughs and Ansell takes a seat across from him with a sigh. I hesitate then take the chair beside Baptist.

“No, you’re not getting fired,” Ansell says. “In some ways, you’re getting promoted. Now listen.”

“We want to sign Pride.” Baptist leans back, grinning. “Congratulations.”

I let that sink in slowly and it’s like my chest fills with helium and I’m floating away before I crash back down to the ground again.

“Wow,” I say, utterly floored, and I stare between them. A mixture of relief and terror whips through me. I wanted this so badly for Pride, but how am I going to handle this sudden responsibility? “And I mean, why the hell would you do that?”

Baptist laughs and Ansell doesn’t react. He only watches me coldly with that flat stare of his, so beautiful and disconcerting, like he barely understands anything I say or do.

“They’re really good,” Baptist says, tapping at his phone as he talks. “I hung out with them after the show and I’ve got to admit, they’re really smart and motivated. Their drummer is awesome, her brother is cool as hell, and they’re all extremely talented. They’re going somewhere.”

“We want to blow them up,” Ansell says. “If you hadn’t brought them to us, we would’ve found them ourselves eventually.”

Baptist arches his eyebrows. “Probably.”

“This is amazing,” I say and laugh awkwardly. I’m trembling and a thousand thoughts rifle through my mind, none of them good. Why can’t I just enjoy a little victory for once? But there are a dozen reasons why this is only going to end in disaster. “I mean, Kari’s going to flip. They’re all so excited. Did you tell them yet?”

Baptist shakes his head. “I want you to break the news. You’re going to be their official liaison. I suppose manager might be a better word but we’ll work up to that title if you don’t mind. This is your first act, after all.”

Oh my god. Manager?

“I’ll do whatever I have to, I promise. I believe in these guys so much, and god, thank you both. I’m just really happy you’re not taking my stupidity out on Pride.” I’m gushing, beaming, so excited for the band. I can barely contain it, but the joy is tempered by the knowledge of what’s waiting for me back at my desk.