Page 30 of Ice King

“Right now, we’re going to sit here until you calm down, and then we’re going to discuss our next steps.”

I nod and take a few deep breaths to try to steady myself. He doesn’t seem to mind sitting in silence. It’s almost spooky the way he remains expressionless, though the closer I look, the more I catch micro-expressions flit across his face, like he has emotions somewhere deep down inside of him, but they’re so distant and weak that they struggle to break to the surface.

There’s a depth to him, like a frozen-over deep blue lake hiding something beneath. He’s deceptive, and on the surface it’s easy to think there’s not much else to him, only a frosty coldness that permeates his entire body. But the more time I spend with him, the more I realize that’s not quite true.

It’s more like he’s filled to the brim with emotion, but he fights to keep it all buried down deep.

My hands shake as I put away my makeup and check my phone. I have a dozen more missed calls from my dad and this time I decide to send him a quick text. Sorry I ran off. Everything will be okay, but I won’t go back to William. I’m sorry.

He responds instantly. Then you are dead to me.

I shiver and shove my phone into the bag. I meet Ansell’s eyes and nod once to him, feeling somewhat more together, though I doubt I’ll ever be fully okay again. I feel like I’m going through a transformation and my entire world is shifting from one potential to the next.

“The Crawfords are going to keep sending Heiko after you,” Ansell says slowly. “They want to bring you in. I’m not sure what they’ll do once they have you in their hands, but it won’t be pleasant.”

“Would they actually torture me? I mean, I know they’re rich, but they can’t actually get away with something like that… right?”

He shrugs. “Unlikely, but possible. William might lose his composure. His father might let him. I don’t know them well enough to say, but they have the money to clean up any messes.”

“Oh, god,” I groan, hugging my knees to my chest. I feel so small, like a little girl all over again.

“You’ll stay with me for now. Heiko can’t get you while you’re in my place.”

I sit up straight, eyes wide, and rapidly shake my head. “Absolutely not. No way. I can’t impose on you any more than I already have, Ansell. This has gone too far. I need to go talk to William and see if maybe—”

He holds up a hand, interrupting me. “This is not a request. If you want to stay out of Heiko’s grasp, you will do as I say. And believe me, the last thing you want to do is go groveling back to that pathetic slug of a former fiancé. He’s not going to give you what you want. Come stay at my apartment until we can figure out how to appease Magnus.”

“Magnus? Not William?”

“I suspect there’s nothing you can do that will make William forgive you.”

I crack a slight smile, but my hands are still shaking. “Darn. What a shame.”

He almost smiles back—another one of those micro-expressions. “I’m sure you’re feeling the loss.”

Truthfully, I’m relieved he’s not letting me go back to William. I absolutely don’t want to, but I’m at the point where I just want this torture to end.

“I still can’t let you do this. Even if you’re right, it’s asking too much.”

“Enough complaining, Pearce. Magnus Crawford is a practical man. He didn’t get to where he is now without being clever and cynical and pragmatic, even with all that wealth they’ve accumulated over the years. If we can get through to him, we might be able to clear this up, and you won’t have to worry about me.”

“You keep saying we but this is my mess.”

He stands and comes around his desk, watching me. More infinitely brief emotions flit across his face: anger, confusion, desire. I’m not even sure he realizes he’s feeling them, and I doubt anyone stares at him long enough to notice, but they’re in him and they’re lurking, waiting to come out.

“Pearce.” His voice is soft but firm. He sits in the chair next to mine and leans forward, his hands on my thighs. I stare into his eyes as my heart leaps into my throat, my breath coming fast. His hands are so strong and his sharp gaze creates a gaping hole in my chest, one I want to fill with pleasure and pain, enough sensation to drown out the sorrow and anxiety filling my mind. His gaze locks onto my lips and I know what he’s thinking, because I’m thinking it too.

“I told you I’m going to help you fix this mess. Please stop trying to make me walk away. It’s not going to happen.”