Page 11 of Ice King

“I’m not sure what I’m doing here, if I’m honest with you.” She looks away, frowning at her phone. “I think I’m about to lose all my friends. Well, except for Bella Baby and a few others. But most of them anyway.”

“They’re going to side with William. Are you surprised?”

She frowns up at me. “Wait, do you know what I’m talking about?”

I walk to the drink tray set up near the fireplace and pour myself a whiskey. I hesitate before pouring her one. I’m not sure she needs alcohol right now, but it might help dull the pain in her face. She accepts the crystal glass and sips from it, grimacing at the alcohol.

I sit in the chair across from her, unwilling to risk sitting too close. I feel that yearning want in my stomach, that intense desire, stronger than it normally is. I want this girl, but she’s toxic. Getting too close, getting even more involved, will only make my life that much harder.

“I know you think I’m old, but I’m not that old. I’m aware of Bella Baby.”

Her eyes widen. “I didn’t say—I mean, I don’t think—”

I wave a hand. “It’s fine. I only mean, I know what’s happening with you and your fiancé.”

Her cheeks turn red and she looks down. Her phone buzzes a few times before she hits the power button, turns it off, and throws it to the other end of the couch. She leans forward, face in her hands, the ice discarded.

“Most of them think I’m lying,” she whispers and I can tell she’s crying. My jaw works, head tilting, watching her carefully. I’m torn between going to her to comfort her, and staying where I am. I split the difference by leaning closer. “My dad’s furious. He thinks I should’ve tried to work out it.”

“But you couldn’t do that.”

“It’s pathetic, I know. I knew what I was getting into, at least I thought I did. But when I found out he’s been doing it this whole time, and he had the nerve to try to deny it to my face, I just snapped. I snapped and ruined my life and now he’s going to kill me.”

She sobs again and I take a slow, deep breath.

Fucking hell.

This girl is radioactive.

She’s a forest fire.

A tsunami. An earthquake.

I stand and sit next to her on the couch and my body’s ringing with desire. I want to touch her, pull her against me, and taste her tears. I want to lick them from her face then rip that top off, taste her lips, fuck her raw and senseless. I don’t know why I’m half hard watching her cry but it turns me fucking on, imagining her sobbing as I take her from behind, then screaming as she comes, and finally taking my cum on her tear-streaked lips when I’m finished with her.

The moment I cross that line, there’s no turning back.

“I admire you, you know.”

She sobs once more and looks up at me. “What?”

“I admire you. There aren’t many people that would cross the Crawford family the way you did. You embarrassed them so… thoroughly.” I give her the barest hint of a smile. “I like that about you.”

She laughs once, sharply, bitterly. “I’m glad you like it. I can put that on my tombstone. Here lies Marie Pearce, murdered by William Crawford. At least Ansell Drake admired her momentary act of insanity.”

“That’s too long. It won’t fit.”

She laughs again and leans back, wiping her face. I hesitate before getting her some tissues. She dabs at her eyes and cleans the makeup from her cheeks, looking embarrassed all over. I have to stand by the fireplace and drink to keep myself from imagining her on her knees with that tear-streaked face, that makeup running all over, as my cock slides into her throat.

“What am I going to do?” she asks, looking like she really wants me to answer.

“I don’t know.” Which is the truth. She says she’s fucked, and she might be right.

“And, oh, god, I think I messed up Pride’s only chance.” Her eyes widen with horror and she stands up and moves toward me. “Ansell, please. Don’t hold this disaster of a night against them. I know I’m a pathetic wreck and you’re going to fire me, but Pride is a really good band. They’re so talented, they deserve success.”

I stare at her, bewildered. This girl is in my living room, drinking my alcohol, using my tissues, crying on my goddamn couch, her life is in shambles, she’s afraid of being murdered by a family that can genuinely get away with murder, and yet she’s worried about some pop band?

It’s mind-boggling. But hell, she really means it.

“Don’t worry about then. Baptist stayed behind to feel them out and I’ll hear his report in the morning.”

She chews her lip. “Really? You still might sign them even though I’m a pathetic wreck?”