“That’s where I get my good looks from.” It was so much easier to talk about stuff like that than anything deeper. Also, I wasn’t sure she saw me in quite a clear light, but I wasn’t dumb enough to point out my flaws. I was just better at hiding them than Dad and Asher.

“Tell me about school.”

“Not much to tell. I really like my Ethics in Computing class. The professor is pretty badass. I’m not so sure about Communication for Engineering and Technology.” Both of which I had with Ty. And what the fuck had that been last night? I still couldn’t figure out why he’d asked if Shenanigans was hiring. He was too perfect to get his hands dirty washing dishes and busing the tables of drunk college kids like himself. How would he have time to go to class, play lacrosse, and fuck his way through the FU population if he had to work too?

“Computers. I can’t believe you’re going to college to work with computers. Your grandpa would be so proud.” She grabbed my hand and squeezed.

“There’s nothing to be proud of. It’s just what people do.” And it also cost a fuckload of money, which she was helping me pay. Scholarships and loans only went so far.

All I knew was, I couldn’t let myself become my dad, or hell, even my brother, who vacillated between being fun to be around and being a huge asshole, same as Dad. Asher didn’t have any goals outside of, well, keg stands and getting his dick wet.

“Any nice boys?” Grandma asked, making me roll my eyes.

“Nope. Just like there weren’t the other times you’ve asked. I’m surrounded by spoiled rich kids and jocks. Besides, I’d have to like people to want to date them.”

“You like people.”

I really didn’t. Not most of them. “Lies,” I countered.

“You’ll change your mind one day. You’ll meet a nice boy who will drive you crazy in both good and bad ways. That’s the way it was with your grandpa and me. Whew, that man could piss me off, but sometimes even the fighting was fun with him, and the making up was my favorite.”

“Um…TMI.” I was positive I was the only person in the world whose grandma would say that.

“You’re no fun.” Grandma winked. “And your brother?”

“Good. He’s been busy looking for a job,” I lied, making an excuse for why he hadn’t been in to see her. Asher was rarely ever employed. I needed to kick his fucking ass. The only reason we’d had a semi-normal childhood was because of Grandma. We lived in her house, and he couldn’t come and visit? Especially when he made visiting hours often at the prison for Dad?

We talked for a little while before playing a game of Monopoly. When I yawned, Grandma said, “You’re tired. That’s at least the fifth time you’ve done that. Go home and get some rest before class tomorrow. You work too hard, Brax. You can’t make up for your daddy and Asher by putting too much pressure on yourself.”

Maybe I couldn’t, but I didn’t have it in me not to try.

The next day in class, I groaned when Tyson fell into the seat beside me. “Jesus, are you obsessed with me? You’re like a bad itch that won’t go away.”

“You should consider getting that checked,” he replied. “Is it…” I glanced over to see him nod toward my crotch. “You know…”

He was so ridiculous. “Fuck you. Stop trying to come up with an excuse to see my junk.”

“Nah, you’re not my type.”

“You one hundred percent want me, Lacrosse. You can’t keep your eyes off me. I bet you jerked off thinking about that one second when I licked your ear.” I had too, but he wasn’t going to find out about that. “I’m really good with my tongue. I can deep throat like a motherfucker, though from what I’ve heard, that’s not hard with you.”

“You wish, asshole.” He palmed his dick for emphasis, and I shook my head. He was wearing track pants and a long-sleeved FU Kings Lacrosse tee. Yes, we were the FU Kings. If I were into sports, I’d be all over that shit.

“You know I’m not helping you with your work, right?” I told Tyson. “If you’re trying to find someone to copy off of, it’s not me.”

“Have you ever, in your life, been happy?” he countered.

I didn’t know what it was about that question that made my pulse stumble, but it did. “Have you ever, in your life, had to work for something instead of having your perfect daddy get it for you?”

Something unfamiliar flashed in Tyson’s eyes, like a storm blowing through, making his sky-blue gaze turn dark and thunderous. But just as quickly, the clouds cleared like it had never happened at all. That was…weird, and definitely not a look I’d seen from him before.