“Um…Brax?” I asked.

“What’s wrong? Do you want me to stop?” he asked. “It’s fun with an audience.”

The blankets flew off us, which was my first clue that something was going on. We were lying there naked and hard, and suddenly Watty, Collins, and Ford were there too. Nothing like a little exhibitionism first thing in the morning.

But then we were on a stage, and they were the audience, eating popcorn and watching. I tried to ignore them, tried to kiss Brax, but he wasn’t Brax anymore. He’d turned into a giant bottle of whiskey, and I was…drinking him?

My eyes jerked open, heart punching my chest. It was morning, but clearly still early. Brax’s room was fairly dark, but light filtered around the curtains. I was on my back, Brax on his side, curled up in a tight ball. It was cute as shit, and I’d have to tease him about it. He looked like he should have a stuffed animal in his arms to hug tightly. He’d hugged me at some point during the night. I was sure he’d been deeply asleep and hadn’t realized he was doing it, but I remembered waking up once to feel him, arm thrown around my waist, his face in my neck as he’d spooned me from behind.

Braxton Walker was a cuddler, and I liked it. I sort of wanted to see if I could snuggle into his arms right then, but I had to piss and my mouth tasted like trash.

As gently as I could, I sneaked out of his bed. He’d set a bottle of water and painkillers on the bedside table, which was sweet. I thought about how Brax had seen my photos and had automatically come to me last night. The way he’d listened to me and hadn’t made me feel like a spoiled shithead for my thoughts. How he’d taken a car home with me. He’d left his bike at the bar. He’d brought me to his house… Jesus, Brax really was sweet. Infuriating and annoying, but sexy and caring.

I grabbed both bottles and headed to the bathroom. I took two pills, which I hoped would help the throbbing in my head, drank all the water, then took what might possibly be known as the world’s longest pee. I seriously got tired of holding my dick for so long. Luckily, my morning wood had already started to go down. After washing my hands, I found Brax’s toothpaste and finger-brushed, swished some mouthwash around, then sneaked back into bed with him. I’d just nuzzled in when his eyes opened. “Shit. You’re gonna kick me out, aren’t you?”

“Have you done something to annoy me?”

“Breathe. That’s usually all it takes.”

He smiled, then yawned. His hair was a mess, sticking up in every direction and clearly not in the styled way this time. It was adorable. I liked Sleepy Brax. He seemed much more chill.

“Is it me, or was there music last night?”

“There’s music every night. That was nothing.”

His brother…fuck, I really didn’t like that guy. Did he throw parties on the daily? I liked a good time and had one often. We had people over to our house a lot. But I had a feeling Asher didn’t worry about Brax needing rest or when he had to study or anything like that.

“I had a dream that we were having sex in front of a room full of people, and then you turned into a bottle of whiskey and I drank you.”

Brax cocked a dark brow. “You are the weirdest person I’ve ever met.”

I liked being the most of something to him, even if it was weird. I just liked knowing Brax thought something about me. It was annoying, and I didn’t understand it, but I wasn’t one to stress about things as much as he did.

“Thank you for last night. I was all up in my head. I can’t talk to anyone else about all this stuff. They wouldn’t get it.” But he did. In a way I was still piecing together, Brax understood me, and maybe I understood him too.

“No biggie.”

“You got me water and pills.”

“I owed you from when I was sick. Now shut up and go back to sleep. It’s early.”

I was tired too, but I didn’t think I’d be able to go to sleep right away.

Brax closed his eyes, and I tried, I really did, but all I could think about was being in a hot guy’s bed, one I really, really wanted to bang. I tossed and turned, going from my left side to my right, then to my back.

“Why am I not surprised?” Braxton groaned.

“What did I do?”

He didn’t respond to my question, instead saying, “Now I have to pee.”

“I’m not sure how that’s my fault. I drank you. You didn’t drink me.”

He chuckled as he climbed over me. The second he did, my dick took notice, blood rushing to my groin.