“I’m in my third year of college. I can’t switch things up now.”

“I’m pretty sure you could,” I replied, then, “Do you want to get to know them?”

He knew who I was talking about without me specifying. “Yes and no. The no probably makes me an asshole. It’s like…like I know it’s not their fault, but I blame them too. Like, they can’t control that they exist, but it’s hard because…fuck. I don’t know. It’s not true, I realize that, but part of me feels like they ruined my family. Screwed up, isn’t it?”

“Nope. Sounds like normal human emotions to me. Not that I have those,” I joked, and Ty laughed. And then because Tyson Langley had somehow short-circuited my brain, I added, “There was this guy in high school…quarterback.”

“Aren’t they always?”

“No shit.” It was my turn to play with the sand and not let myself look at him. But he’d shared with me, so I figured I owed him the same. “Anyway, he was the first guy I ever fucked around with. We used to find spots around school. I legit blew him under the bleachers for the first time. It was…exciting. It went on for almost two years. At first it was just because sex was new and fun, but then…hell, I was a dumbass kid and thought he really liked me. He would tell me he did, would say all this stuff about coming out and being my boyfriend. He had girlfriends on and off while hooking up with me, but I still thought… I don’t know why I was stupid…or why in the fuck I wanted to be liked by him. Jocks have always gotten me hard, I guess, but he was the only one I thought it meant something.”

When I was quiet for a moment, Ty asked, “What happened?”

“Typical story. We got caught, he pretended I was hitting on him and wouldn’t leave him alone, that I’d gotten him drunk and had taken advantage. Of course everyone believed him because he was him and I was me.”

“Shit.” Ty cursed. “I’m sorry.”

I shrugged. “It is what it is.”

“No, it’s not. That guy was a dick. He live around here? Let’s go egg his house.”

I rolled my eyes. That had been such a Ty thing to say. I was one hundred percent done talking about this, though. “Be quiet. The sun is setting. Don’t you like this shit? You took photos of the sunrise and—” Fuck. Fuckity, fuck, fuck.

“What? Do you follow me on Instagram or Snap?”

I almost rubbed a hand over my face before realizing I would get sand all over myself. Fuck my life. Tyson turned me all upside down. He powered his phone back on and looked.

“I don’t see your name… Are you secretly internet-stalking me? Aww. How cute.”

“I think you’re broken. If someone is internet-stalking you, that shouldn’t be cute.”

“Not just someone. You. Seriously, so sweet. So how long have you had this crush on me?”

“Can we go into the ocean so I can drown you now?”

“What’s your secret stalker name?”

“Shut up.”

“Are you in love with me?”

“Really, shut up.”

Then he surprised me by opening his camera and taking a photo of me. “Spank-bank material,” he said, then gazed toward the water. He took a few pictures of the sunset, watching it while I watched him. “It really is beautiful.”

My skin got tingly in an unfamiliar way, small bursts of pleasure rocking through me.

I wanted to get the upper hand with him, wanted to make him come again. Wanted… “Lacrosse?”

“What?” He turned to me, and I moved in, went for his mouth, saw the second he realized what I was doing. Just before my lips touched his, I changed directions, went for his ear, licked the lobe, then sucked on it. This was so much fucking easier than talking. This was all about sensation and not real shit like my dad, my brother, or that stuff with Wayne in high school. This wasn’t about his family or the siblings Ty had complicated feelings for.

“Should I kiss you? I’m still trying to decide.” I nipped at him, then brushed my lips behind his ear and down his neck. “Yes or no? Decisions, decisions.”

Ty sucked in a sharp breath. “You’re such a tease.”

“You like it.” I circled my tongue around the hollow spot at the base of his throat. “Hmm…what do I want?” I brushed my nose against his cheek and felt him tremble.

“Kiss me, you asshole.” Ty’s mouth went for mine, but I backed up.

“Now, now. All good things come to those who wait.” My lips were so close to his; each breath I took was the air he’d just breathed.

He tried to kiss me again, but I jerked my head back.

“Jesus, why is this so hot?” Ty asked. “Who knew I liked to be edged this much?”