“Okay, fine. Ignore what I said about love. Do what all the kids are doing today. Hook up. My friend Mallory said her grandson called it banging. That sounds awfully violent, but if that’s what the youngsters are saying nowadays—”

Laughing, I covered my ears. “Oh my God, stop. Please don’t talk to me about hooking up or banging someone. I’m traumatized, I’ll have you know.”

She joined me in my laughter. Not for the first time, I was thankful to have her in my life. I didn’t think anyone understood me or cared about me the way she did.

“Fine. Then maybe you can at least be friends with this lacrosse boy. You don’t have enough friends.”

“You’re really determined to bust my balls today, aren’t you?” But the truth was, I knew what she was saying, and she was right. I just didn’t know if I could do anything about it.

“If I’m not allowed to say banging, you’re not allowed to mention your balls.” My grandma, ladies and gentlemen. But I loved her. She leaned over and patted my leg. “Be friends with your lacrosse boy.”

“Yeah, yeah, I hear what you’re saying. But I kinda like not getting along with him.”

“Pfft. If that’s the case, you’re already in trouble, Brax. There’s no helping you now.”

“Can we talk about something else?”

“Yes. Did I tell you I’m helping with sets for a play? It’s all for us old people. They provide transportation for multiple facilities in the area to one of the local theaters.”

“Have you ever done something like that before?”

“Nope, but there’s a first time for everything.”

I loved that about her. There was nothing she wouldn’t try and nothing she couldn’t do. Life hadn’t been easy for her, but she’d never let that get her down.

We chatted about her play, and game night at the facility, and two friends she was trying to play cupid with. Apparently, that was a new thing for her.

When my cell buzzed, I tugged it out of my pocket to see a text from Ty.

The Sexiest Man Alive: I’m booooored.

I really needed to change his name in my phone.

Me: So? What does that have to do with me?

The Sexiest Man Alive: I just figured since you don’t have a life, you might need me to teach you how to have a little fun.

Me: No, you can’t suck my dick.

The Sexiest Man Alive: Gasp! I’m shocked! I can’t believe you would suggest something so crude!

Me: You’re obsessed with me.

The Sexiest Man Alive: I’m more honest than you.

He might have a point because my cock was definitely interested in playing in his mouth again.

The Sexiest Man Alive: You can also help me with my homework. Take pity on me. Please…

The Sexiest Man Alive: Please.

The Sexiest Man Alive: Please.

The Sexiest Man Alive: Please.

The Sexiest Man Alive: Please.

Me: JFC. Meet me at my house. You’re like a fly who won’t quit buzzing around my ear.

The Sexiest Man Alive: I love you too.

“Is that your lacrosse player?” Grandma asked, and shit, I’d forgotten I was sitting out here with her.

“He’s not mine.”

“You were smiling.”

“I’m not talking to you anymore.”

Grandma yawned dramatically. “I’m sooooo tired. I think I’m ready to go back inside now. I’m going to take a nap, so you should head home.”

She wasn’t fooling anyone, but I pretended she was. “Rest is good for you, after all.”

“So is lacrosse.” She laughed, and I ignored her. There was a reason she was my favorite person in the world.



I wondered if it was possible I’d been abducted by an alien. If they’d taken me onto their ship and hooked electrodes to my head to alter my brain. Maybe they were controlling my actions and feelings. Making me want to spend time with Brax and push to spend time with Brax.

I’d never chased someone in my life, until now. But let’s face it, that was basically what I was doing with Brax. I was motherfucking chasing him without an endgame in mind. I didn’t want to be his boyfriend. That would be weird. We were too different and didn’t like each other too much. I wasn’t sure I was trying to be his friend either, for the same reasons. So was all this for sex? Or because I got a kick out of bugging him? None of that felt right either. I just knew he’d always fascinated me, and now, after telling him about my dad, I was even more obsessed with the thought of spending time with him.

Alien abduction was the only thing that made sense.

I turned my gaze to the sky as if I could expect some kind of answer there. Maybe a flash of a spaceship and my real body peeking out the window to say hi.

I turned at the sound of Brax’s front door opening and closing. I knew it wasn’t him because he’d texted to let me know he was busy and helping someone with something before he could leave. I’d already been close to his house, and now my car sat on the curb while I paced on the sidewalk as if I’d been casing the place.