Someone shoved a red Solo cup at me, beer sloshing all over my shirt. “Hi, you’re hot.” The girl who’d gotten me the drink gave me a smile.

“He likes dick,” Asher told her. My brother, ladies and gentlemen. What a tool. But he was also correct.

“I have a strap-on,” she replied.

My fucking life. “It’s not quite the same thing. Dick is great, but it’s not the body part so much as the fact that I like men.”

“Ugh. All the hot ones do.” I took the cup from her, and she walked away.

“Drink up, buddy,” Asher said. A body slammed into his, making him bump into me, more beer spilling.

“I just worked all night, and I have a shit ton of homework this weekend. You said you wouldn’t have a party.”

“See…I didn’t plan it…but then it happened…and I was drunk, so I forgot… Love you, brother!” With that gem of a parting shot, my brother turned and called out, “Hey, strap-on girl!”

I dropped my head back and sighed, then dumped the beer and went straight for my bedroom. I used my key to unlock it because I sure as shit didn’t trust anyone not to come in and fuck with my stuff.

I walked over to my bed, the frame squeaking when I fell onto it. My walls vibrated with the music, punctuated by hoots and hollers.

I could go out there and party with them, find some guy and bring him back to my room so we could spend the rest of the night getting lost in each other’s bodies. The thought was tempting, but instead I grabbed my backpack off the floor and pulled my books and laptop out. No way I’d get any sleep, so I might as well do something productive.



It was really inconvenient that I wanted to bone Braxton Walker.

I mean, he was hot, yeah, but he also had a stick shoved so far up his ass it sprouted out of his mouth. Typically, I was a fan of things in asses because fuck, it felt good, but he’d almost ruined that for me with his holier-than-thou attitude, all while blaming me for the same thing. I didn’t know what he had against me, but from the first time we saw each other, he’d looked at me like I’d kicked his puppy.

And maybe it shouldn’t, but the constant back and forth between us made me hotter for him. It was like we’d been engaged in a three-year foreplay session. In one way or another, he’d been edging me since we were freshmen. At first simply because he was so good-looking, and I couldn’t help admiring that. Things kicked up a notch at the beginning of our junior year this past August, when he’d started working at Shenanigans. We’d had a shit ton of classes together before, but we didn’t start the verbal fucking until he got the job and we saw each other outside of class. I guessed the different atmosphere changed things between us, gave us this space to let loose on each other.

I’d had sex with a beautiful woman last night after leaving the bar, and today I’d just kicked ass at lacrosse practice, and yet when I rubbed one out in the shower, I thought about him licking my ear… And now, while my friends were playing Madden, I was still thinking about him.

I couldn’t imagine what I would do if he knew how frequently he made an appearance in my fantasies.

“What the fuck, Langley? Where’s the beer?”

It was my turn to buy it. We had a rotation on who bought what and when. This was the first year three of my teammates and I had managed to get a place in Liberty Court, the shared-house district on campus, where each place was named after past FU deans. We were in Adler House. There was also Freidman, Mundell, and Stormer, the latter known as the stoner house. An adorable twink named Felix lived in Freidman. We hadn’t gotten together, and even though I wasn’t his type—big—he flirted with me all the time. He’d sometimes give me a playful wave while he sat on the roof of their house, which made me jealous AF because we didn’t have a two-story like they did.

“I’ve been too busy to go shopping,” I yelled at Ford, one of our defensemen. This would be the third year the group of us played lacrosse together. They were my boys. My freshman year, I told them I was bisexual, and none of them had batted an eye. We played the game together and partied together. I’d always been told these would be the best years of my life, so I was trying to soak that shit up while I could. One and a half more years, and I’d be doing a job I hated with a man I’d idolized my whole fucking life only to discover he was nothing but a fraud.