I chilled for a few minutes, then headed back to the house. I forgot I needed to grab my bag anyway. Collins was still there, so we headed to practice together. Our first game was this weekend, and Coach was riding us hard to get ready.

By the time it was over and I had to get ready for work, I wondered why earlier I’d thought I liked the job. I wanted to just veg out and watch Netflix or something, but then I remembered I’d been a creepy-ass weirdo and checked the schedule last night to see that Brax worked today. Giving him shit would cure whatever ailed me. Plus, maybe he’d want to return the favor and get on his knees for me.

But when I got to Shenanigans, he wasn’t there, which was kinda sus. Annoyance prickled down my spine. Was he really going this far to avoid me? All over a little head?

Gwen was working. She’d changed her hair to purple. “Aw, Kings spirit?” I teased.

“Who are the kings?”

I clutched my heart. “You’re killin’ me.”

“My job here is done,” Gwen replied.

Before she got busy again, I asked, “Brax isn’t here?”

“Nope, he’s sick or something.” While a part of me worried and hoped everything was okay, I had a feeling this was about us. He hated me so much that I knew he regretted what we’d done. Maybe it had chased him away for good.

The night was busy. People were disgusting. Who knew so many college-aged people played with their food and spilled their alcohol? By the end of the night, I’d gone through a few pairs of gloves and decided I hated the job. At least when Brax was there, I had him to make the time go faster, but nope, he was scared to see me because I’d sucked his cock.

I didn’t know who he thought he was dealing with, but I wasn’t going to let him slink away.

“Hey, Gwen. I have a question for you,” I said, and hoped she had the answer.



I was going to kill my brother.

I didn’t know what in the hell he was doing and why he was banging on the door, which, at the moment, felt like he was slamming his fists down on my skull. He was notorious for losing his keys but, like me, knew how to pick a lock, so I didn’t know why in the fuck he wasn’t doing exactly that.

I had no idea what time it was, and I didn’t care. I just knew it was morning and I was sick as fuck, but just like when I was studying or trying to go to bed early, Asher didn’t care.

I rolled out of bed, stumbled, and hit my head on the wall. Fuck, I was dizzy, but I managed to make my way down the hallway, unlock the door, and pull it open.

“What the fuck, Sunshine? Are you really going to skip school and work every day just because I blew you?”

Jesus, had I hit my head harder than I thought? Was I hallucinating? But then, if I were having any kind of Tyson Langley fantasy, he’d be on his knees for me again and not being annoying as shit. “Not everything is about you, Lacrosse. How in the fuck do you know where I live?”

“I asked Gwen, and yes, it is.”

As always, he was dressed like a jock, douche-bro in a Kings T-shirt with his number on it—11—and a pair of nylon shorts. He looked like the frat boy next door. I wanted nothing more than to tell him that, but I was hit with a wave of dizziness, my legs suddenly feeling weak, and then he was there, inside the doorway with his arms around me.

“Jesus, you almost passed out. You’re burning up. Guess this really isn’t about me.”

“You sound surprised.”

“I mean, it’s me. Do you blame me?”

I tried to think of something witty to say, but my brain was too foggy, and I was pretty sure that if I didn’t get back to my bed soon, I’d pass out for real. “Bed. Dying. Get out of my house. Close the door behind you.”

I staggered away from him like half of the drunk people at the bar every night, hitting shit on my way. I heard the door close and said a silent prayer before falling face-first onto my bed. I was really fucking sick.

“Wow…your room is cleaner than I thought it would be.”

What the fuck? I opened one eye, and standing in the middle of my bedroom, was Ty. “What the hell are you doing? I don’t have the energy to go back and forth with you today.”

He frowned. “Have you taken your temperature?”

“One blowjob, and you really are in love with me.”

“Don’t fool yourself. I’m just not letting you die while you owe me a cock-sucking.”