One of his friends, Jeff, was in our Software Engineering class with us. They sat a couple of rows in front of me. Tyson didn’t try to talk to me at all, but every once in a while he’d look back. I winked, trying to get under his skin.

He did it back, so I wasn’t sure if my plan worked or not.

When our professor dismissed us, I packed my shit, forcing myself not to look down at him. The universe must have been out to get me because as soon as I stepped outside, Tyson and his friend were there.

“Later, man,” Jeff said. “I gotta get to class.”

“Catch ya later, Watty,” Tyson replied as Jeff walked away.


“What did I do to upset your delicate sensibilities this time?” Tyson asked.


We started across the campus together, heading in the direction of the café. “Yeah, his last name is Watson. It’s called a nickname. Have you never heard of them before?”


“Did you think about me last night?”

Yes. I stalked you on social media. Someone kill me now.

“No.” But then this urge to beat him at his own game, to see him tremble and know I was the cause, came over me again. “Maybe,” I added.

“I’m listening.” His eyes darted around as if he was trying to make sure no one else was. People walked by, but no one too close.

We stopped under a palm tree, with one of the white stucco buildings in the background. I’d always loved the Spanish-style architecture with the orange, terracotta-tiled roofs. “What can I say, I was horny. My dick apparently doesn’t have the best taste.”

He shrugged that comment off, but his voice was an octave lower when he asked, “What did you do about it?”

This was getting dangerous quickly. I never planned to let it get this far, not with him, but fuck, we’d been dancing around this for three years. There was no denying I wanted him. I still wasn’t sure I’d let myself have him, but this? Making him crazed as hell for me? That I could do.

“I was in bed…felt like coming anyway…so I stripped out of my clothes. Took my dick a little while to get into the game, just because it was you I was thinking about.”

“Oh, fuck you. You’re a liar.”

I ignored that. “But eventually I got hard. That’s the first time I’ve ever had that problem, but then, as I said, it’s you.”

“Me who you want.”

I ignored that too. “By then I was fucking leaking. I had my slick cock in hand, was stroking it while thinking about how much I don’t like you. That’s what really got my balls full, what made me shoot my load all over my stomach. It was a big fucking load too.”

“Shiiiiit.” Tyson whimpered, fucking whimpered, at me telling him how I got off. My gaze darted down. There was definitely a bigger bulge in his track pants than what he’d had before. “Go somewhere with me. I wanna blow you.”

“Excuse me, what?” free-fell from my mouth. I hadn’t seen that coming. At. All.

“It’s just sex. We’ve been playing this game for too long now. Sooner or later, we’re gonna fuck. You know it. I know it. Why keep fighting it?”

My cock was beginning to swell, the words fuck yes on my tongue, but what came out was, “But I hate you.”

“Do you hate orgasms? Because I’m not offering to be your boyfriend or even your friend. I’m offering to drain a load out of your balls. Tick-tock. We only have an hour before our next class.”

I could say no. We’d keep not liking each other but wanting each other until eventually we cracked and got off together…or I could stop telling myself I would ever be satisfied not hooking up with him, take him somewhere, and watch him get on his knees for me.

It really wasn’t much of a choice. You didn’t have to get along with someone to have sex with them. We were proof of that, and at least with Tyson, we both knew what it was. No empty promises, no pretending to feel things for each other while we sneaked around, only for one of us to crush the other’s world. I’d let that happen with one jock before, and I wouldn’t allow it again.

“Let’s go.” I nodded toward the building we’d just left.

“Where are we going? Where do you live? It can’t be this direction. We can try my place. I don’t think anyone’s there, but—”

“No,” I cut him off.

“No, what? I want to suck your dick. That doesn’t mean I’m gonna blindly follow you or do what you say.”

“Empty room,” I said, opening the door.

“On the third floor. You’re a genius, and…fuck, that’s kinda hot.”

“I know.”

“That you’re a genius or that it’s hot?”

“Both,” I replied, and we chuckled as we hurried down the hallway to the other side of the building, where we took the stairs up. There were people here and there, but no one paid us any attention. We acted like we weren’t going to find an empty room to fuck around in, and they minded their own business, going to class.