Just as I was about to turn away, I saw Felix walk over, head high and definitely a man on a mission. He said something to flirty dude, then literally waved his hand like he was dismissing him. Well…wasn’t this interesting? Where the hell had I been? Last I’d seen, Felix had been trying to hit on Brax and now he’d just chased some guy away from Marshall?

It looked like hearts flew out of Marshall’s eyes, mixed with a little mischief. I chuckled, filled up and made my way over to the couch so I could continue to pout until Brax arrived.

“’Sup?” Todd, this guy I’d hooked up with a couple of times, sat beside me. His dad and mine knew each other. They’d both gone to FU and did business together from time to time.

“What’s up?” I swallowed some of the beer in my cup.

“You guys won today?”


“You haven’t been around much lately.”

I shrugged. “I’ve been busy with school and lacrosse, and I got a job. I’m working at Shenanigans.”

“No shit?”

“Yep.” Todd and I weren’t close, but he’d been a good lay. It’d been easy with us when we’d decided we wanted to have sex, and the way his gaze worked its way up and down my body told me that was exactly his hope for the night. But as good as he was in the sack, there wasn’t even a small part of me that wanted him, so I found the easiest way to clue him in. “My boyfriend works there, and he’s really fucking hot, so any extra time I get to spend with him is a win in my book.”

I glanced up just in time to see Brax come inside. I couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across my face.

He looked at me, then Todd, cocking a brow my way. I shook my head. I knew Brax’s expressions enough to know he didn’t like Todd but that he also found it amusing and trusted me enough to know nothing was up.

“Who?” Todd asked just as Brax reached us and sat down, squeezing himself between us. “Dude, a little space?”

“Who the fuck are you?” Brax asked him. Was it bad that my dick twitched a little? Asshole Brax would always be hot as long as I was the one calling him an asshole.

“Todd. I’m friends with Ty. Our dads are close too.”

“Oh, what’s up, man? I’m Braxton. Ty’s boyfriend. My dad is in prison.”

Todd looked between the two of us, his shock clear on his face. “Him?”

“Hot, right?” I replied.

“I mean, yeah. I’m shocked, but he’s hot. You guys play with others?”

“No,” Brax and I answered in unison. Aww, we were so cute.

“Worth a try. I’m off to find someone who’s available.” Todd bailed.

I nuzzled closer to Brax, tucked my face right into his neck. “Admit it… You were a little jealous.”

“I’ll admit no such thing.”

“But you called me your boyfriend. Like…you said the actual word. It was basically like pissing on my leg to mark your territory.”

“You into that? It can totally be arranged,” he teased, making me laugh. I was into him. So fucking much.

Beer sloshed into our laps as Ford stumbled. “Shit. Sorry, bro. Beer pong. You’re on my team.” He grabbed Brax’s wrist and tugged him to his feet.

“What the fuck? No,” Brax protested.

“Yes. You’re Ty’s man. That means we have to bond.”

“No, it really doesn’t.” Brax hardly got the words out before Ford dragged him away. He looked at me like, Help me, please, but didn’t fight it as Ford continued to tug him away. I watched Watty slap him on the back and Collins say something to him. My friends were fucking idiots, but they were also great.

“I knew you guys were fucking.” Felix took Brax’s spot beside me. Marshall was gone when I looked over. Bathroom, maybe?

“Yep.” I took a sip. “I saw you with Marshall a little bit ago. You trying to make him your hookup for the night?”

“Not for the night…I’m making Marshmallow my teddy bear for good.”

“Marshmallow? Teddy bear?” My gut hurt from all the laughter. “That shit’s great. I’m totally calling him Marshmallow from now on.”

“Fuck no. That’s my name for him.” His words caught up with me. Holy shit? I’d for sure missed a lot. He wanted Marshall to be his for good? “Speaking of…excuse me while I go get my man.”

I swear the crowd basically parted for him when Felix walked over and jumped into Marshall’s arms. I hadn’t even thought he was paying attention at first, but Marshall caught him and then carried him toward the door.

Awww. How cute. I totally needed to make Brax carry me. And I was already bored without him. This guy had totally screwed with me.

“Boo,” I whispered in his ear when I approached. “You should carry me.”


“You’re up!” Ford yelled at him.