“I think we’ve embarrassed him enough for the day,” Grandma said.

“I guess. Maybe we can do it again sometime,” Ty replied.

“I’d like that.”

We hung out for about three more hours with her, just visiting, playing games, and going for a walk outside. It was obvious that Grandma loved Ty. I liked that more than I thought I would.

When it was time to go, she pulled Ty into a hug. He gripped her back just as tightly. “Are you going to come and see me again?”

“I would love to.”

“And you should think about what Brax said. It’s your life. You should be happy.” Ty nodded, then kissed her cheek and stepped back. He lingered in the background, giving me space to say my own goodbye without being all up in our business. “I like him, Brax.”

“I know.” I wasn’t sure what else to say. Ty and I weren’t a real couple.

“You like him.” It was spoken only for me, not loud enough for Ty to hear, but still, discomfort slid down my spine.

“I love you, Grandma. I’ll see you in a few days.”

“I love you too.”

Ty and I didn’t say much to each other as we headed out. I fastened his helmet, and he grinned but didn’t argue.

I thought about our day the whole way back to my house—how much he seemed to enjoy spending time with my grandma, and the way he made her laugh; how his hand felt on my thigh, and the fullness in my chest when he smiled at me.

I parked in front of the garage and turned off the bike. I didn’t offer for him to come inside, and he didn’t ask. We simply headed for the door together.

Once I had it closed behind us, something snapped inside me. The magnetic pull between us strengthened, urgent and undeniable, until our mouths collided in pent-up want. I pushed my tongue into his mouth, Ty’s hands ripping my jacket off my shoulders and throwing it to the floor before shoving under my T-shirt. He tasted like the lemonade we’d drunk, both bitter and sweet. I’d never enjoyed a flavor more than I did in that moment. I was like an addict for it, for him.

We crashed into the wall, my back slamming against it and Ty on me. We laughed into the kiss while he thrust his rigid cock against mine.

“Fuck, you really want me, don’t you?” I said, reaching around and grabbing his ass.

“I was just thinking the same thing about you.”

I shut him up with my mouth again, teeth clanking, hands searching and tugging on clothes. I really hoped my brother wasn’t home because if so, he was about to get an eyeful.

Our mouths didn’t part as we stumbled our way down the hall, ripping each other’s pants open and kicking out of our shoes. I pulled his dick out, wrapped my hand around it, and gave it a long, tight stroke.

“Fuuuuuck,” Ty groaned.

“We’re getting there. You gonna give me this?” I rubbed my thumb over his tip, spreading the precum there. “You gonna let me see if you can dick me down the way I need?” It was overwhelming, the sudden need I felt to have Ty inside me.

His cock jerked in my hand, blood pulsing beneath his skin. “Hell yes. I’m going to own your ass.”

“I don’t know about owning,” I replied, a slight tremor to my voice.

“I do.” Ty pushed me down to the bed, and I let him. We were both in our pants, mine jeans, and his the stupid athletic gear he always wore. Our dicks were hanging out, the band of his bottoms resting beneath his tight ball sac. “You licked your lips. You want this?” Ty stroked himself.

“I mean, I’m not doing anything else right now, so might as well.”

He chuckled and shucked off the rest of his clothes while I watched, jerking myself with slow, leisurely pulls. “Take my jeans off.”

“I’m only listening because I want to fuck you.”

“Whatever you have to tell yourself,” I teased as Ty got me naked. He grabbed the lube and condoms from my nightstand, setting them close before climbing over me, one knee between my legs.

“You’re so fucking hot.” He licked one of my nipples, then nipped it before moving to the other one. I threaded my hands through his hair as Ty began to kiss his way down my sternum. “I wanted you from the first time I saw you. You’ve had my dick hard for three years, Sunshine, and that goddamned mouth of yours just gets me hotter for you.”

“Me too. I hate it, but I can’t make it stop.” It wasn’t easy to admit. I blamed it on the way he turned my body inside out and had me ready to blow my load without even touching my dick or ass yet.