“I mean, I wouldn’t turn it down.”

He groaned low from his gut like he wanted exactly what I’d said. “I have to go. Someone’s expecting me.”

It didn’t matter that I had no business doing it; I tensed up. Was he heading out to hook up with someone else? I don’t care. Nope, not at all. This is me not caring.

I didn’t move when Brax reached out and rubbed my bottom lip with his thumb. “You’re frowning.” And then surprise bloomed in my chest when he leaned in and brushed a kiss over my lips. “Don’t be jealous. I’m going to see my grandma.”

“Dude, I totally want to meet your grandma. Take me with you.” I liked the way Brax talked about her, like she was his bright spot in all the shit he’d been through. She sounded great, and I couldn’t pretend I wasn’t curious about Brax’s family. I’d only met his brother, and I couldn’t say I was impressed, given how he treated Brax. But his grandma was special. Even through his stories I could feel their love for each other.

“No,” Brax replied.


“Why would you want to go to an assisted-living facility with me and see my grandma?”

“Because I’m hoping to get more dirt on you. I need material for fresh jokes.”

“Maybe that’s just because you’re not funny.”

“Then why can’t you stop smiling when you’re with me?” Brax’s lips immediately straightened into a hard line. “Too late. Let’s go. Wanna take the bike or my car?”

“No,” Brax said again.

“Please. I’ll do anything.” I fluttered my eyelashes dramatically.

When Brax dropped his head back, I knew I had him. “You’re so fucking spoiled. Fine.”

There was a rough edge to his voice that told me he was nervous about this. I had a feeling I was likely the only guy Brax had taken to meet her, and that felt better than winning any lacrosse match. It felt right in a way I didn’t want to contemplate. I was thinking that about a lot of things lately, but there was just too much going on in my head to sort through it all. I’d rather focus on having fun with Brax. “You know I was giving you shit, right? You don’t have to take me. If you’d rather I didn’t go, I won’t.” I wanted to go. Probably too much, but I didn’t want him to feel forced.

He sighed. “Let’s go before I change my mind.”

“Sure, I’d love to go meet your grandma with you,” I teased. He went for his bike, and I followed.

Brax glanced my way, his face spelling out a look I was familiar with by now. It said: God, I hate you and You’re so fucking ridiculous, but mixed a little with You make me smile and I have fun with you. I wasn’t sure he’d acknowledged the last two parts yet.

Like he often did, Brax batted my hands away and strapped my helmet. “You know I’m capable of doing that, right?”

“No,” he replied, and I fake-gasped. “No shit, but when you’re on my bike, you’re my responsibility.”

Okay, so was that supposed to make me go all soft inside? Because it totally did. “Look at you being all sweet and protective.”

“Look at you not knowing when to stop.”

He had a point. We climbed on. It was a twenty-five-minute drive to the facility, more because of the Southern California traffic than because of the distance.

I liked riding with him, liked the feel of the wind around us, Brax between my thighs, my dick close to his ass, and how I had to lean with the bike when he did.

He didn’t say anything when we parked at the facility and I got off the motorcycle. He was still quiet when we removed our helmets and put them in the packs. He made it all the way to the door, spine stiff, before I wrapped my fingers around his wrist to stop him. “I don’t have to go in there, Sunshine.” I wanted to make sure he knew I was serious. I hadn’t suggested it to make him uncomfortable.

“Fuck. I know.” He rubbed a hand over his face. “She’s asked about you.”

My pulse kicked up like it did when we were riding. “You told her about me?”

“Just that you’re annoying and drive me crazy. I had to tell her something that day I left to see you.”

Nope. I refused to believe that was the only reason. “I want to kiss you right now.”

“I’ll bite your lip.”

“Is that supposed to deter me? It’s kinda hot when you bite me.”

“Only kinda?” Brax cocked a dark brow, looked toward the door—there was no one there at the moment—and leaned in and nibbled my earlobe. “If you’re good, we’ll go home and get naked together. It’ll be better than kinda hot.”

“Yes, please. I’d like that. Now don’t give me a boner in front of your grandma. I’m a respectable young man.”