“Your Majesty,” I say.

“Come, child,” she says, gesturing with her fingers for me to come closer.

My heart thunders in my ears. My mouth is dry and my head hurts from building pressure, but I walk forward. I still can’t look directly at her, keeping her in my peripheral vision while focusing most of my attention on the floor which is disconcerting enough since I’m walking on stars. Still, it's easier than meeting her eyes.

When I’m about an arm's length from her, I stop. I swallow hard and focus my thoughts. If anyone can help save Duncan, it’s going to be her. That's what matters.

“I need to get back,” I say. “I have to save Duncan.”

“Do you?”

“Yes,” I say, biting off the harsh feelings that come with her question. “I do.”

“I see.”

I wait for more, but she doesn’t speak. The stars spiral across the night sky view as I wait in uncomfortable silence.

“And?” she asks.

“And what?”

“I need to go back. I must save the MacGregors,” I say, because maybe if it’s the entire clan she’ll help but the truth burns in my chest and falls off my tongue unbidden. “I have to save him.”

“You can’t.”

It’s such a simple statement but a knife thrust into my chest couldn’t hurt any more than it does. Anger surges and I meet her eyes full on, using the anger to reaffirm my resolve.

“Then what is the point? What’s the point of any of this?” I throw my arms up in exasperation. “Why me? Why was I put there? Why am I here?”

“You are our last hope. You are the Destroyer.”

“And what the devil does that mean? I’m not special. I’m… a girl. A nobody.”

“Are you?”

“Of course I am. What else would I be?”

“So, a ‘girl’, as you say it, isn’t important? A ‘nobody’ has no impact? Is not capable?”

“That’s not what I said.”

“Isn’t it?” She frowns and the room around us dims, as if night is somehow darker than it was, the stars further away.

“No, well, yes, but that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about me.”

“Every choice matters.” She shrugs. “Some people's choices matter more than others.”

“What does that mean?”

The Queen smiles and the stars pulse brighter.

“You are so full of questions,” the Queen says. “Come, break your fast with me.”

She motions with one arm and a table laden with food appears out of nowhere. The smells are incredible. There are roasted meats that glisten with spice and juices; succulent sweets that make my mouth water with their scent; pitchers full of mulled wine; and bread so fresh and fluffy looking I want to hold it in my hands to experience it.

I stare at the table and something niggles at the back of my mind. Something Alesoun said. A warning… What was it?

And if’n ya eat the food of the fae, you’re bound to them, same as blood.