“I cannae leave my clan,” he says, just as I knew he would.

My heart drops and my stomach clenches. I see it clearly now. The road laid out before me is as real as if I’m standing at a crossroads and the choice is mine. One path leads to his death; the other he will live, but he might hate me after. And as far as I can see down either path, there is no saving the MacGregor Clan. The best I can do is save him. Maybe. Hopefully.

You are the Destroyer. The Fae Queen’s voice reverberates through my head.

“Duncan, listen, you have to believe me.”

“I’ve already gone too far to do otherwise, have I nae?”

“Right, I get it, but listen. The MacGregors are going to win.”

“You said that we’d be destroyed. That the MacGregors would be outlawed.”

“Right, I know what I said,” I say. “That happens after this. It happens because of this. We can’t stop that. We’re too late for that.”

“I have to try,” he says, rising from his crouch and taking a step forward.

“No.” I grab his arm and pull him around to face me.

“Quinn, I will nae stand by and let my clan be slaughtered. You cannae ask that of me.”

“I’m not, listen. They win. That’s the problem. They’re going to slaughter the Colquhouns. Alister is a brilliant tactician. They’ll win but they won’t just win—they’re going to slaughter them.”


“Yes, they’ll kill so many of them that the King of England will call it a barbarous act. That’s how the Colquhouns and the Bruces win. They leverage this slaughter and use it to manipulate the King into outlawing your name so that they can steal your lands.”

“I have to stop it!”

“You can’t!” I scream. “How do I get you to see it? You can’t! It’s already happened. They tried to tell me, but I didn’t want to listen. Didn’t want to believe it, but I see it now. All I can do is save you. It’s all the change I can make happen. You can’t go to the fight.”

“Who tried to tell you? What are you saying?”

“The Fae. They told me that what is written is what is, but I didn’t believe them. I didn’t want to. I saw you die, Duncan. Over and over, I saw you die and I can’t have that. I can’t lose you.”

“But what can’t you change? If you can’t change it, if my fate is to die, then I’ll meet it with honor. I’m nae a coward, lass.”

I shake my head, pulling on his arm as he tries to move away, forcing him to stay. The storm breaks and rain pours down, drenching both of us in moments. I’m grateful for it only because it hides the tears I can’t hold back.

“Duncan, no. I can’t change all of it, but I can change this. This one thing,” I put my hands on his beautiful face and kiss him, but he doesn’t respond to my kiss.

“I cannae,” he says. “Quinn, I’m sorry but I cannae stand by and let my people be slaughtered. What kind of man would I be if I did that?”

“You’re not listening,” I say, begging. “They don’t die. Not today.”

“Then I need to stop them from slaughtering the Colquhouns. If they win but take prisoners, that will change it.”

“I don’t know that. You don’t know that.”

Lightning strikes close to hand, blinding us, and thunder reverberates against my chest and leaves my ears ringing.

“Quinn, I have to try.”

I stare into his eyes. This is who he is. His core principles, the defining traits that make him who he is. I can’t hold him back. I can’t change him anymore than I can change the course of history.

“I know,” I sob, giving up. “I know. Let’s go.”

“You should wait here,” he says. “I’ll come back for ya.”