This declaration is only the start. The clan will unite and go to fight and when they win that battle, the final piece is in place. After they win, it will become illegal to be a MacGregor. This entire village, all these people I’ve only just come to know, will become outlaws. Even the women and children.

The MacGregors will be hunted mercilessly. There are horrible accounts of turning in the heads of MacGregors as payment for crimes. Of wholesale slaughter of the MacGregor clan. There were no complete records of how many MacGregors were killed but every man, woman, and child is in mortal danger.

Cold sweat trickles down my spine as the world spins. I ride waves of nausea that crash into me and stumble away from the crowd. How do I stop this? Is this why I’m here? What if Alesoun is killed? Duncan?

Moving away from the group, I retreat, needing to be alone. Even though the women have been less than welcoming, I don’t want to see any of them dead.

The raven’s caw echoes in my ears. As I run away, it continues cawing until I realize it’s not only in my head. The big black bird is sitting on the edge of Alesoun’s roof, staring with its glistening black eyes. In its raucous caw, I hear words: I warned you. I am the harbinger of death. Find your destiny.

I’m scared. Terrified. I don’t know what to do. Don’t know how or why I’m here. Despite the open air and space, I’m claustrophobic. The air itself is crushing me. I have to get away.

I burst into a run, going past the houses and out onto the open grass of the highlands. The scent of the early heather in the air helps soothe my nerves. The silvery moon hangs half full, looking and feeling so close as if I should be able to reach out and touch it.

They’re going to die.

I don’t know who or how many, but some if not all of them are going to die. And I can’t stop it. I drop to my knees, overcome by the weight crushing down. I sob, unable to contain the storm of sadness.

“Quinn!” Duncan calls.

Damn it, I don’t want him to see me like this. I rub my face, furiously trying to dry my tears that won’t stop. I take a deep breath, trying to find some sense of composure. Damn it, I’m too drunk. This isn’t the time to be dealing with this or him.

“Here,” I say when I feel a little less overwhelmed. I stand up and turn towards his voice.

“Ach, there ya are. Ya ran off. I was worried. Are you okay?” He walks closer, staring at my face. “Have ya been crying?”

I want to be brave, to deny that I have, but my tongue won’t form the lie. Besides, what is there that’s brave about not admitting I cry? Am I some emotional shut off?

“Yeah,” I say, wiping the last of my tears.

“Why? What’s the matter?”

I shake my head, biting my lip to keep myself from breaking down into tears again.

“It’s nae the King’s writ, is it? What do we care for his proclamations? We’re Scotsman. I will nae take a knee to some English King.”

He takes my hands into his and squeezes them, attempting to be reassuring.

“Duncan,” I say, touching his face. His rough stubble pokes at my fingertips as I trail along his cheek. “You sweet, brave man.”

“You think I’m brave?” he asks, a boyish grin on his face, and he moves in closer.

My heart races, and all the fear and worry is thrust aside by the rush of blood to my head and lower bits. A burning inferno of sudden and surprising desire. He’s so close, dominating the space.

“I do,” I say breathlessly.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispers, leaning in.

“Thank you. I—”

His lips on mine cut off my words.

His kiss is the best kiss I’ve ever had. His lips are soft yet insistent. Sweet but with hints of the bitter ale we’ve both been drinking. I close my eyes as we kiss but the myriad of stars I was staring up into remain in my head, spinning as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me close.

He breaks the kiss at last but keeps his hold around me. My breasts are crushed against his chest so tight I can feel his heart thrumming. We’re both breathing heavily, staring into each other’s eyes.

“I’ve wanted to do that since I first laid eyes on you,” he says.

I can’t help but smile as my lips tingle. I want to kiss him again. I could kiss him forever. One long, unending kiss that continues until the stars fall from the sky.