Page 72 of The Edge of Falling

"Hey, what's up, dude?' Foster walked in. "I just wanted to say sorry."

"Huh?" I looked at him in confusion.

"I know you didn't sign off for my sister and her best friend to move in when we got this place."

"Dude, it's fine. It's a big enough place."

"I mean, it's one thing to have Rosalie on the couch, but it's another thing to have Alice here, sleeping on an air mattress in the living room." He sighed.

I looked at him, nodding, wondering if there was more to the story than he was letting on. "So what are we going do?"

"I don't know."

"You don't really want to give up your room. I don't want to give up my room. I don't really want to have an ugly-ass air mattress in the middle of the living room. Rosalie can't really stay on the couch forever."

"Yeah, you're right." He sighed. "I think maybe it's time to get a bigger place. I think maybe it's time to buy."

"Oh." I stared at him in surprise. "I thought you were going to wait a couple of years."

"I was going to." He nodded. " But interest rates are pretty low right now. I've got a good deposit saved." He shrugged. "It would just make things easier."

"So I guess we won't be roommates anymore or...?"

"I mean, I'm cool if you still want to be roommates. I was thinking, well, I was thinking that we could actually go in on a property together. We could get a brownstone or something. It could be an investment property. And when Rosalie and Alice finally get jobs, they could start paying us rent."

"So they'd live with us full time?" I asked, surprised.

"Well, my parents would prefer Rosalie close to me, and I feel like I should look after Alice as well as she is Rosalie's best friend. Then I want to make sure she doesn't mean any sort of strange guys or..."

"Uh-huh," I said, looking at him suspiciously. Did Foster have a thing for Alice? And if he did, how had I never known this? "I mean, it sounds like a good deal. I got a couple hundred grand saved up as well. And I have been looking at properties recently. So you really want to do this?"

He looked at me and grinned. "I think it would be amazing."

"So we're going to do this," I said, jumping up.

"I think so."

"Awesome. Are we looking in Manhattan or Brooklyn?"

"I guess we should figure out our maximum budget and work from there," he said, "plus I guess we could get some input from the girls."

"Yeah, sounds good. I'd love to get their input. I'm sure Rosalie has many thoughts and ideas," I said with a small smile.

"I'm sure she does," Foster said, frowning.

"Let's just not let her think she can make the decision because I know she'll take over." I started laughing.

"Yeah, but maybe this is what she needs. She's been really down recently. And well, I want to make sure she's doing okay."

"Oh, she's been down? Why? I hadn't realized?"

"Oh, well there's one thing that..." He looked at the door and then closed it. "Sorry, I don't want her listening just in case."

"No worries. What is it?"

"So there's one thing that no one outside the family knows."

"Oh," I stared at him, curious what he was going to say.