Page 24 of The Edge of Falling

"Why doesn't he just do you in the apartment?" Alice sounded confused.

"I don't know. Maybe he’s scared my brother will find out. Maybe he wants it to just be a one-time thing. There's obviously something between us. Did I tell you that I think he told me he was going to ruin me this morning?"

"What?” she shrieked. “What does that mean?”

"I don’t know, but I want to find out."

"So you're going?"

"Yes, I'm going. It's just going to be a one-time thing, and then I'll be able to get him out of my mind."

"I don't know. Rosalie. That sounds..."

"Sounds what?"

"I mean, he's a jerk. You didn't speak to him for years, and now you're just going to bang him?"

"Girl, I'm not just going to bang him. I'm going to give him the best bang of his life. It's going to be so good that he's going to regret that he's never going to get me again."

"Oh, Rosalie. This doesn't sound like a good idea."

"It's going to be fine. Trust me. Now, should I wear my red dress or my silver dress?"

"Hmm, did you take the little short black one?"

"Yeah, but I can't wear a bra with that."

"So?" She giggled. “Easier access for him.”

“Alice, you’re wicked.”

“No, Rosalie, that’s who you’re trying to be.”

“Am I making a mistake?” All of a sudden, I wondered if I was moving too fast with Oliver. “I mean, I haven’t seen him in years, and now I’m going to let him deflower me?”

“You have wanted him for years, but yeah, make him work for it, girl.” Alice paused. “Maybe tease him a bit and then make him beg you.”

“He’s not going to beg me.” I laughed. “He’s Oliver James, not some high school loser like Stephan Dimam.”

“True.” She giggled. Stephan Dimam was a skinny guy we’d gone to high school with who thought he was the best-looking guy in school. He tried to hook up with every girl in our class, and when we all turned him down, he tried begging us all. “So you’re going to...” I didn’t hear the rest of her comment because I quickly put my phone next to my body when I saw Oliver exiting his room in a pinstripe navy-blue suit.

“I’m off now.” He held up his hand and gave me a dazzling smile. “I’ll text you and let you know what time to be ready tonight.”

“Okay.” I nodded. “Sounds good.”

“See you later, Rosalie.”

“Bye, Oliver.” I watched as he walked out the front door and then pulled the phone back up to my ear. “Sorry about that, Alice.”

“No worries, this is the second time today you’ve left me hanging, though.”

“I’m sorry, this is what being around Oliver does to me.”

“You love him, you want to kiss him, you want to marry him, you want to...” Alice stopped singing and started laughing. “Sorry, I just can’t believe you’ve only been there for twenty-four hours, and you’re already having the most amazing time.”

“I know.” I agreed with her. I felt like I’d been in town for months already. “I wish you were here, Alice.”

“Me too.” She sounded sad. “But maybe I can get a part-time job and save enough money to visit you.”