“I’d like to invite my grandparents over, and Ryan and Lexie,” she replies.
“I’ll message them now for you,” I say, pulling out my phone and sending an email to them all asking if they’d like to visit, an idea forming in my mind of what we could all do while they are here.
We sit in comfortable silence for the rest of the journey, letting the fall sun wash over us as we drive home, unencumbered for the first time by the shackles that our parents put on us.
We’re finally free to live, and I intend on doing just that with my brothers and our woman and child.
Two months later
“Motherfucker!” Ash roars as he storms into the living room, the morning sunlight casting his inked-up body in a soft glow. I wince, glaring at him as Violet starts wailing at the noise.
I rock her in my arms, shushing her and trying to settle her as he looks devastated at upsetting her.
“I’m sorry, darling one,” he tells her gently, coming up next to us and stroking her head in the way that always calms her down.
Once she’s fallen back asleep, I pass her over to a waiting Jax, who continues to rock her in his huge arms because she has him wrapped around her tiny finger and he adores her sleeping on him.
“What happened?” I ask Ash quietly, Loki and Kai having come into the room, Kai handing me a hot chocolate with a kiss on my cheek.
“Somehow, my father has managed to change his sentence to some bullshit and is getting out on parole later today,” Ash seethes, his whole body vibrating with anger. “Apparently, he has proven that he was coerced or some shit.”
“What the fuck?” Loki exclaims, his voice lowered as he glances over at a sleeping Violet. “How the ever-loving fuck did he manage that?”
“He’s Julian fucking Vanderbilt,” Kai responds in a tired voice. “We should have known that something like this would happen.”
“We did,” Ash argues, running his hands through his hair and leaving it messy. “That’s why we spent a small fortune bribing every goddamn official we knew.”
“Do you know what time he’s being released?” I ask, and they all look at me then, even Jax, blinking.
“Uh, midday I think,” Ash answers. “Why, Princess?”
“We best be there to greet him, don’t you think?” I answer, not saying anything more as I stride from the room and up the stairs to get changed.
“Why do I feel like there’s something she’s not telling us?” I hear Loki ask the others, and a smirk curves my lips as I make my way upstairs.
A lady never divulges all her secrets now, does she?
* * *
I can see the others watching our girl as we make our way to the prison that Ash’s cunt of a father is due to be released from, even Jax is casting suspicious glances her way in the rearview mirror. She won’t spill her secrets, no matter how much we press her, just telling us that we’ll see with a sexy fucking smirk on those kissable lips.
Violet is making cooing noises as we pull up outside the prison gates, and just as Jax turns the engine off, the devil himself comes striding out of the gates, shaking the hand of the officer in charge, a big, stupid-ass smile on his lips.
My blood boils at the sight of him, at his smug fucking grin as he spots us getting out of the car.
“Boys!” he beams, strolling over to us looking pristine in a tailored suit, and it just pisses me the fuck off. Ash’s fists clench at the sight, his back ramrod straight.
“How did you convince them to let you go?” Ash grits out, asking the question that has been plaguing us since we discovered the news. Julian’s smile widens, and I’m reminded of the Cheshire Cat, teeth gleaming and ready to pounce.
“It always pays to have friends in high places, you know that, son,” he tells Ash, holding his gaze, and I can see the sick enjoyment he gets from ruffling Ash’s feathers.
The noise of the van door opening sounds in the quiet standoff, and Julian’s gaze flickers over Ash, his eyes widening as he takes in what’s behind us. I turn to see Lilly holding Violet, standing to the side of us.