Page 64 of Released

“Open up for him, baby,” Jax orders, and once again I obey him, Kai’s hand holding his dick as he guides it into my open mouth.

“Jesus, sweetheart,” he exclaims as I suck and lather his hard member with my tongue, paying close attention to the piercings that run along the underside of his dick.

The song changes toInto Itby Chase Atlantic, and Kai holds my throat as he glides his dick in and out of my slick mouth. Heat builds between my legs, Ash and Loki pumping in and out of me and Kai using my mouth is getting me so fucking slick that the wet sounds of our fucking can be heard alongside the sensual rise and fall of the song.

Jax grips my hair, turning me once again as he pulls me off of Kai and thrusts into the back of my throat with a vengeance. I relax into their combined embrace, letting them use me as our bodies move in a dance as old as time, my climax climbing as they build me up. I can feel them getting close too, their movements becoming frenzied and animalistic noises leaving their throats as they don’t hold back and fuck me hard.

Loki is the first to break, slamming into me so hard that it pushes me over the edge once more, and a muffled cry sounds around Kai’s cock as I come so hard I almost implode. Wetness slicks my inner thighs, the sound of Loki’s continued thrusts obscene as my inner muscles clench around him and Ash in a stranglehold.

“Shit, Princess!” Ash yells, thrusting deep as he’s dragged under, and I can feel him pulse into my arse as he holds me still and shoots his release deep inside me.

I’m still twitching as Kai pumps once, twice, and then pours his climax deep into my throat, forcing me to swallow every drop as his hands grip my jaw. Pain lances my skull as I’m ripped away, Jax slamming his dick into my mouth seconds before hot, salty cum coats my tongue, and I greedily swallow that too.

When his dick stops pulsing, he pulls out, and I collapse onto Loki, his softening dick still buried in my pussy as we all pant and gasp for air. After a time I feel my wrists being unbound, the ties loosening, and it’s all I can do to flex my fingers as I lie in a blissful, exhausted heap on top of Loki.

I hiss as a cool gel is rubbed into my sore arsecheeks, realising that Ash must have withdrawn when I collapsed.

“How the fuck,” I say, my voice fifty shades of husky, “am I meant to sit in a car for god knows how many hours it takes to get to Utah after that?”

Masculine guffaws and chuckles fill the room.Fuckers.

But, they are my fuckers, quite literally, and I press closer to Loki as my words sink in.

I think a better question is how am I going to survive without them for the next few weeks?



All too soon a knock on the door interrupts our post-orgasm bliss, and Ryan’s deep voice tells me that we’ll be leaving in twenty minutes. As if on cue,Lost Without Youby Freya Ridings starts to play, and tears spring to my eyes, the words of the song expressing exactly how I’m feeling at the thought of being separated from my Knights once again.

Silently, I get up and have a quick shower, Ash and Loki following me in and washing me so tenderly that the tears fall and mingle with the water that cascades over my skin.

Knowing that we don’t have much time left, I step out of the shower to find Jax there with a towel, ready to dry me. Once he’s finished, he leads me back into the main room where Kai waits with my clothes.

“We’ll send the rest of your things as soon as we can,” Kai murmurs softly to me as he helps me to get dressed, his touch lingering as if he, too, is dreading what’s to come.

“How will you get them out?” I question in a quiet voice, finding Ash looking at me, eyebrows lowered.

“There’ll be a funeral,” he tells me, and I wince, freezing as I put my cardigan on.

“A–a funeral?”

“We have to go through with a burial,” he tells me, moving closer and helping me into the garment. “I’m sorry, Princess, but we need to keep up with the pretense.”

“I–I understand,” I reply, and I do. I get that this has to look real, and if the look of sadness on each of my guy’s faces is anything to go by, people will believe that I’ve died.

“It’s time, Pretty Girl,” Loki mumbles, reaching out and taking my hand in his. I look up to him, willing my face not to crack, and show him how much my heart feels like it’s breaking. His pained expression tells me that I’ve failed, and he pulls me against him, wrapping his arms around me in a fierce hug. “I know, baby. I know.” His voice breaks, and I can’t stop the sob that rips free from my chest as my pain overwhelms me.

“It’s only three weeks until the hunting trip,” Kai adds, but his voice is flat like he’s trying to convince himself that it won’t feel like an eternity. “And here’s a burner phone so we can keep in touch.”

I lift my head from Loki’s chest, my arm unwrapping from his torso as I reach out for the new iPhone that Kai is holding out for me.

“You ready, Lilly?” I hear Ryan ask from the other side of the door, and taking a deep breath, I step out of Loki’s arms, wrapping our fingers together as I step towards the doorway.

We head down the stairs inside the gym, following Ryan’s broad back as he leads us to a side exit that opens onto a dark alley that runs alongside the gym. It’s night out, and the cool air soothes my hot face a little.

“I’ll give you a minute to say your goodbyes, Little One,” Ryan tells me, squeezing my arm and then going around to the driver's side of the car.