“Fine,” I relent, folding my arms across my chest, or at least trying but failing because porn star boobs are still a thing.Codswallop!
Soon we’re pulling up outside the gym, Ash taking Violet who woke up as we arrived. We walk in to find it empty and quiet, with only Enzo and his wife, Rosa, standing there. She’s stunning, tall and slender, with tumbling blonde hair falling in a waterfall down her back.
Rosa rushes forward, enveloping me in a tight hug, and the breath rushes out of me at the way she pulls me close. My arms automatically go around her, and my brows lower when I feel her whole body shaking. Shit. She's crying.
“My beautiful, beautiful girl,” she says, pulling away and gripping my face in both her hands. Then, after a lingering look, she apologises, letting go to take a step back whilst I look on in utter bewilderment.
What the ever-loving fuck is going on?
“Principessa,” Enzo says roughly, his own eyes wet.
“What's going on?” I finally ask, looking around at the guys who’ve come to stand in a loose semicircle around me. Everyone seems happy, smiles on their faces, but there's definitely an edge of sadness, and an air of melancholy, like something has been missing, or time wasted.
“Princess,” Ash starts, handing Violet to Kai and taking my hands in his, turning me to face him. “Enzo helped your mom escape Ace. He gave her a new identity, just like he did for you, and got her out of the States. He's also your uncle by marriage.”
My head whips back to Enzo, then Rosa.
“Rosa is your aunt,” Ash continues gently, his grip on my suddenly cold hands a warm comfort. Rosa nods, her face wet but split into a big grin. “And Tom, he’s Rosa’s brother. He's your father, Lilly.”
My world freezes as Tom, the Black Knight driver steps forward. His image wavers as my own eyes fill, and I can see the glistening of tears swimming in his blue gaze.
It all suddenly makes sense. The way he said that I reminded him of someone, the way he always looked at me as if he recognised me. I look so much like her after all. Like my mother.
We stand there for a moment, staring at each other, drinking the other in. He's handsome, with dirty blond hair that's getting a little grey at the temple, bright blue eyes, and scruff on his jaw.
“Lilly, I…” he begins in a rough voice, but before he can say another word, I'm throwing myself into his arms, wrapping my own around him tightly.
He’s my fucking dad.
He catches me with a gruff sob, returning my embrace tenfold, and we just cling to each other for what feels like forever. There are so many years we’ve missed out on, so many hugs to catch up on.
“H–how?” I ask, pulling back to look at him, then around at the rest of them. “How did you find out?”
“Ryan, Principessa,” Enzo says, stepping closer. “I thought that I recognised your last name, the one that I gave to your mamma, and so I asked Ryan what her name was.” He wraps his massive arms around Tom and I, Rosa coming to do the same, all of us weeping happy tears as we cling to each other.
Violet gives a cry, and I disentangle myself to rush over and take her from Kai with a quick kiss to his cheek. I walk over to the little group, my dad, uncle, and aunt.
“Violet, meet your grandpa, and great-uncle Enzo, and great-aunt Rosa,” I tell her, giving her a kiss, then holding her out for Tom.
Eyes wide and glistening, he takes her from me, immediately starting to rock her in his arms and kissing her soft head. She quietens in his embrace, and my cheeks hurt with how wide my smile is as I watch Enzo and Rosa reach out and stroke her on opposite sides of her face, both taking turns to kiss her lightly on top of her head.
Large arms wrap around me, lemon filling my nostrils as I lean into Jax’s body behind me.
“Happy?” he asks, his voice low and gruff as usual.
“So fucking happy,” I reply, hugging his forearms to me.
We stand like that for a moment, soaking in each other's embrace, and as I look at my daughter, father, aunt, and uncle, then around at my Knights, I feel like I’m about to burst with sheer happiness. My family is finally all together. Both my biological and chosen family.
We're all together now, and my heart has never felt so full.
Eight Months Later
Asense of déjà vu hits me as I glide my hands down the silk of my dress, only this time, instead of a white dress with an ombre that reflects the sunset at my hem, my whole dress is a rainbow. It’s in a Grecian style, gathered at my shoulders and waist, flowing in soft silk to pool on the ground. A golden, jewelled belt glints around my waist, a gift from the guys, and I’m praying that it’s not real gold or stones, but knowing them it just might be.