Page 46 of Released

“Good girl,” he whispers, pushing my hair off my forehead and placing a kiss on my lips. “Let’s go downstairs, the others are waiting.”

Taking my hand in his, holding his other, slightly shining hand by his side, he leads us out of the room and down the stairs and I feel every. Damn. Step.

When we reach the bottom, he excuses himself to go wash up, and my cheeks burn as three sets of jewelled eyes lock onto me, assessing and narrowing.

“What’s wrong?” Ash asks, striding over to me and taking my face in his palms, tipping it up to look into my eyes, worry creasing his forehead.

“N–nothing,” I stammer out, feeling my cheeks heat up even more as the burn of the plug in my arsehole makes a lie of my words. I hear Kai chuckle and look over to see him casually sauntering over to us.

“Turn round, Lilly,” he commands, and although he doesn’t use his pet name for me, I feel my body wanting to do as he orders.

Ash lets go of me with a curious look in his eye, one jet-black brow raised, as I do what Kai says.

“Raise your dress and show them your new accessory,” is Kai’s next order. With my cheeks heating even more, I turn around, lift up the back of my dress, and pull my knickers back down before bending over.

“Fucking Christ,” I hear Ash exclaim in a low voice, then a sharp sting hits my arse cheek as a cry of pleasure mixed with pain leaves my lips as he smacks me. It jostles the plug, and I feel the effects deep inside me, wetness slicking my thighs.

“Fuck me, that looks so pretty sparkling in your ass,” Loki groans out, and Jax makes a growl of agreement.

“Right, time to go,” Kai interrupts firmly. “Lilly, get dressed.”

Swallowing, unsure how in the ever-loving fuck I’m going to get through this day with a butt plug inside me, I do as instructed. Taking a deep breath, I turn back around to find all of my Knights with hungry, almost desperate looks on their faces. It’s then I realise that I’m not the only one who is affected by it.

“Ready,” I announce unnecessarily. I stride past them, each step sending waves of sensation through me as I walk, my nipples hard and pussy aching by the time I reach the door. “You guys coming?” I ask, turning back to see them blinking, and I can’t help the chuckle that falls from my lips.

They spring into action, grabbing various items before we all head out of the door and down to Jax’s truck which sits idling by the front doors. A valet gets out, handing the keys to Jax with a nod, and disappears into the building behind us.

“Huh,” I say aloud as we climb in and grit my teeth as that move sends sparks from my arsehole through me.

“What’s up, beautiful?” Jax asks, turning in his seat to look back at me in the backseat. I’m sandwiched between Loki and Kai, both of whom have a hand on my exposed thighs.

“I’ve not seen Mr Smythe around for a while,” I state, frowning. My gaze flits from one boy to another as they all look elsewhere. “You know something!” I accuse, turning to Loki who is staring out of the window. I grab his face, physically turning him to face me. “Tell me.”

He grimaces, his eyes flicking to Ash in the passenger seat before coming back to me.

“Well, when I told the guys how he’d treated you when you got here,” he starts, his free hand coming up to rub the back of his neck, and I hear Jax growl from the front as he starts the engine.

“You didn’t fucking kill him?!” I shout, looking away from Loki to Ash who is turned towards me with an evil fucking smirk on his pretty lips. If fairies come with Jax’s voice, they die with that smile of Ash’s. I mean, the butler was a complete cumbucket, but I’m not sure he deserved to die because of it.

“We’re not amateurs, Princess. Give us some fucking credit,” Ash tells me, rolling his eyes like I’m being overly dramatic and didn’t watch them castrate a boy or torture then kill a man, both of whom had wronged me. “We just made him see the error of his ways and had him relocated.”

“Relocated to where?” I ask, looking at the amused smiles on each of their faces.

“He’s now a semen collector for the Tailors’ racehorses,” Loki tells me, his face split into a wide grin.

“What?!” I question, my hand flying to my mouth to stifle my chuckle.

“He holds an artificial vagina for the studs in order to collect the semen so that they can inseminate the female horses and ensure good crossbreeding and stronger stock,” Kai informs me, his face completely straight and deadpan. A slight twitch of his lips tells me he is holding in a laugh too.

“He’s a horse wanker?” I enquire, my lips trembling with the effort to hold in my laughs.

“We thought that it was a job suited to his talents, being awankeranyway,” Ash replies, turning back to face the front.

“And he always did have astablehand,” Loki adds, and I fucking lose it, a bark of laughter bursting out of me, and then a groan as the plug shifts around. After a few chuckles, I manage to calm down enough to ask another question that has just popped into my head.

“Aren’t the Tailors one of the gangs caught up in that turf war in Whetstone?”

“Yep,” Ash answers, looking back around at me. “And Aeron Taylor owed us a favor.”