Page 33 of Released

“Kensington?” I repeat, my mind spinning with how close they are, how close they may have always been.

“Would you like to meet them, Pretty Girl?” Loki asks me as he comes to crouch in front of me, taking my suddenly cold and tingling hands in his.

“B–But the flight?” I enquire, my mind going straight to practicalities.

“Can be delayed,” Jax rumbles underneath me, and I feel the vibrations against the side of my face that’s resting on his chest. “If you want it to.”

I momentarily flashback to when I first met Jax and how quiet he was, only speaking when necessary. He talks more now, and I love the sound of his gravelly voice.

“Do you?” Loki repeats, and I blink, trying to remember the question.

Ah, yes, my grandparents.Shit, do I want to meet them?My pulse increases as I chew my lip, thinking about the answer to what feels like a loaded question. My baby gives a small movement, reminding me that it’s not just me anymore.

“Yes,” I reply, looking into Loki’s emerald eyes, then up at Kai’s, and finally Ash’s. “I would like to meet them. Today if we can.”

“We’ve already made contact and told them that if you wanted contact or to meet we would take you there. They’re waiting for you, as long as you’re sure?” Ash questions, and although I’m slightly taken aback at how fast this is moving, I appreciate the way they’ve put things into place. Also, my grandparents are in their eighties, and I’m guessing if I just turned up, they may have a bloody heart attack given how similar I look to Mum.

“I’m sure,” I tell him, finally sitting up straight, Jax letting me go. I take a deep breath. “Let’s go now.”

Ash gives me a blinding smile as Loki stands up and offers me his hand, pulling me to my feet. He uses his grip to pull me to him, nuzzling my neck until his lips are close to mine.

“You are so fucking incredible, Lilly,” he murmurs, placing a kiss on my cheek. I feel tears prick my eyes—fucking hormones—at the compliment. He pulls back, a twinkle in his own eyes. “Let’s go meet your grandparents, older ladies fucking love me!”

I cringe, thinking back to Clarissa, and raise a brow in adid you really just go there?look. It takes a second, but his face drops, his mouth opening and closing in a grimace.

“Fuck— Shit…I didn’t mean— Shit,” he stutters, and I can’t help but laugh, covering my mouth with a hand.

“Come on, Casanova.” Ash chuckles, grabbing Loki’s shoulder and pulling him towards the door.

“Coming?” Kai asks softly, pausing in his own walk towards the door, his hand extended. I take a deep breath, square my shoulders, and put my best foot forward, as Mum used to say.

“Yes,” I tell him, grasping his warm hand in mine and letting him lead me to a family that I had no idea existed until today.

* * *

We park outside what can only be described as a Chelsea mansion in Upper Phillimore Gardens in Kensington. I look up at the imposing, white building, the sun making it sparkle and shine like it’s touched by heaven. It's an old building, Victorian I guess, with five stories, four bay windows, and white marble steps that lead to a double, painted front door, columns on either side holding up a substantial porch. Window boxes filled with colourful flowers sit on every windowsill, making the whole place feel homely and inviting.

The sounds of traffic are dulled here, birdsong ringing in the air but doing nothing to soothe the butterflies in my stomach or my racing heart.

“Are you doing okay, Princess?” Ash inquires, his hand resting on my waist. I have to swallow a couple of times before answering.

“What if they don’t like me?” I ask in reply, wringing my hands in front of me and not taking my eyes off the currently closed, front door. Ash lets go of my waist, stepping in front of me as the others crowd round, circling me.

“They will love you,” he tells me, looking deep into my eyes as his fingertips stroke my cheek. “Just like we do.”

“You’re fucking awesome, Pretty Girl!” Loki practically shouts, making a choked laugh escape my dry lips when I turn my head to look at him. “And sexy as hell,” he adds with a waggle of his auburn brows.

“Lilly, what is there not to like, my darling?” Kai questions me, drawing my gaze to his, the sun hitting the side of his glasses and reflecting my image back at me. “You’re smart, beautiful, funny, and a wonderful person who isn’t afraid to take on four broken boys and make them into men.”

A tear trickles down my cheek at his words, my lips forming a wobbly smile as I take a shaky breath. My eyes close of their own accord when a lemon-scented warmth coats my back, and strong, large hands grip my hips.

“And the bravest fucking person I’ve ever met, Baby Girl,” Jax declares, his deep rumble invading my very soul and making my nipples pebble as it always does. “So get that beautifularseup those steps and show them how fucking amazing you are,” he orders, making me chuckle at his faux British accent.

I take another deep inhale, dropping my shoulders, and reopen my eyes, giving Ash a curt nod. He smiles a devilish grin at me, my knees going a little weak at the sight of it.

“Good girl,” he praises, holding out a hand as he steps back.

I take it in a firm grasp, allowing him to lead me up the stone steps. Before we can knock or ring the bell, the door opens to reveal an elderly gentleman in a butler uniform, face full of the wrinkles of a life well lived.