Lilly Sexy AF Baby Mama: Are you sure this is okay? It’s not going to be tracked? Xxx
I nibble my bottom lip as I wait for a reply, knowing that Mai and Rowan act as a lookout whilst I stare at the screen like the lifeline that it is. A reply soon appears.
Kai Evil Genius Matthews: It’s a burner, my darling. Untraceable, so just keep it hidden xxx
Loki Your Favourite Boyfriend Thorn changed the group name to Lilly’s Not Gangbang Boyfriends.
My hand slaps over my mouth as a shout of laughter leaves my lips.
Ash Our Almighty Leader: I’m her husband, dickhead *middle finger emoji*
I feel a small tap on my shoulder, and I tear my eyes away from the screen to look up at a beaming Mai.
“We probably should be heading back, it looks like it might rain,” she tells me kindly, and I look up to see dark clouds beginning to cover the blue sky. I did not miss the changeable British weather when I was in Colorado.
Lilly Sexy AF Baby Mama: Got to go, I’ll text later. Love you all xxx
I pocket the phone before they can reply, otherwise, I’ll never put it down, and with Mai on one side and Rowan on the other, we make our way back to the chair on the patio.
My pocket buzzes—I must turn the vibrate feature off just in case—and a warm glow fills my being at the lifeline that I’ve been given, the connection to my guys the best kind of feeling.
* * *
Later that night, after a delicious dinner of creamy pasta that Mai cooked and brought up, I snuggle into bed with my new phone in my hands under the duvet, the screen brightness turned low as it will go. I still suspect that my uncle has a camera in here somewhere, watching me, and although he’s not visited me since that awful night, I’d rather not give him any reason to. Or lead to the discovery of my new phone.
The screen lights up with a message from Kai outside of the group chat.
Kai: Having trouble sleeping, darling?
Lilly: How did you know?
I narrow my eyes at the screen while those little bubbles tell me he’s writing.
Kai: There’s a camera in your room…
I fucking knew it!My heart races as I poke my head up, looking again to see if I can spot it. The screen flares just before it was about to black out.
Kai: Don’t worry, darling. I’ve looped the feed so that it only shows your uncle you sleeping at night, and then doing your usual routine during the day.
A breath of relief whooshes out of me, my fingers tingling as I type my reply, not bothering to hide my phone.
Lilly: What can you see?
Those damn bubbles are back, and for reasons unknown I hold my breath, waiting for his response.
Kai: You…in bed…
Kai: Wearing too many clothes…
I slowly release my breath as tingles race over my skin.
Lilly: I can’t exactly sleep naked, especially with Roman in the corner…
A moment later I hear shuffling, then my door opening as I look up to see Roman leaving the room, closing the door softly behind him. One of the brothers has been taking the night shift in here with me, and I’ve been sleeping better knowing that I’m watched over. I feel better now knowing that Kai has his eyes on me too.
Kai: Problem solved, Pet…
A shiver runs down my spine at the nickname. Laying down the phone on the pillow beside my head, I slowly, teasingly, push the thick duvet down my body, kicking it to the end of the bed with my bare feet.