Page 13 of Released

“Fuck!” Loki exhales, though with a sad resignation and not the anger of a few moments before. “How will she ever forgive us for this? We’re leaving her in the hands of a monster.”

“She’ll have the Shadow twins,” Ash assures us, as much as himself I think. “One of them will be with her twenty-four seven. Plus she’s got Mai now, to make sure she’s no longer drugged.”

I clear my throat. “I’ve been able to hack into his security system,” I tell them, narrowed eyes swinging my way. “We can watch her using the CCTV cameras and see for ourselves that she’s okay.” It’s the only reason that I’m able to keep my beast in check right now.

“And you didn’t think to tell us this before?” Ash questions, one brow arched, his voice cold.

“Not my fault you don’t check your phones. The app has been on there all evening.” I shrug, a small tilt lifting my lips when they all rush to take their cells out of their pockets, Ash cursing as his sore fingers fumble with the screen of his brand new iPhone. I walk over and snatch the device out of his grip, earning a feral growl. “Let me.”

A couple of swipes later, the image of our beautiful girl pops up on the screen. She’s sitting at a small table, eating a bowl of something with the sun filtering through the window, while who I assume is Mai talks to her from another seat across from her. My heart swells when Lilly laughs, the musical, joyous sound fills the room even though there’s no sound on the feed. I can hear it clearly in my mind.

We watch, enraptured, as she finishes her meal, breakfast most likely given that it’s early morning in England, and with Mai’s help stands, her rounded stomach obvious in her thin nightgown.

“She’s gotten so big,” Loki whispers, and I look up to see his eyes glued to the screen, tracing every line, every curve of our girl. I look back down to see her go through what I assume is her bathroom door, which closes behind her. Mai waits outside, giving Lilly her privacy which I am grateful for knowing just how much her life has been monitored by that fucking scumbag these past few weeks.

“I’ve sent the twins a burner phone, so soon we will be able to communicate with her too,” I tell them all, my voice soft as I watch the closed bathroom door on the screen, desperate for another glimpse.

No one replies, though I feel the tension leak out of Ash next to me as we continue watching, waiting for our next fix.

We stay that way for a long time, drinking in the sight of the girl who stole our hearts, our souls, before we’d even realised what she was doing.



The next couple of days are like a breath of fresh air, like I can finally breathe fully again for the first time in weeks. Each day that Mai brings me freshly prepared food that only she handles, my head clears until I no longer suffer the effects of being drugged after each meal, and so my strength returns. I still use the wheelchair when she takes me out, something telling me not to let my uncle know how much stronger I am now. Truth be told, I’m not quite at full strength yet anyway, having been so inactive for the past few weeks.

I’m getting bigger too, most noticeably my growing stomach now that I’m six months gone. My tits are bigger, and randomly my nipples too, which Mai says is all normal. Baby seems to be getting along well, though not having access to an ultrasound means that we can’t check everything. But all the checks that Mai does are fine, and my blood levels are okay.

One of the twins is with me at all times, even at night. The day after ‘the incident’—as I’m now calling it because I just can’t process what happened right now—the boys moved the massive, wooden wardrobe in front of the secret door, blocking it completely. They could only just about manage it, so I doubt that my uncle could move it alone. And although I haven’t seen my uncle, Roman told me that he left to go into Harley Street to see about a nose job after apparently being kicked in the face by one of his horses.Like that’s fucking believable!

Several days after ‘the incident,’ Mai and I are walking in the rose garden, once again under the archway. Mai helps me in order to keep up the pretence of my drug-induced state. Can’t have my uncle thinking that I’m up to full strength. Some of the roses are in full bloom now, their heady scent wrapping around me in a floral perfume. There’s a soft breeze that plays with the tassels on my light shawl, the loose trousers I’m wearing fluttering around my ankles as we stroll along. It’s the weirdest thing. The wardrobe and chest are full of brand new maternity clothes, some with tags still on, but they’re all just a little out of date and slightly musty smelling. Like they’ve been shut away for a while. They’re mostly comfy if a little upper-class-rich-woman-who-goes-to-lunch for me, so I can’t complain.

As we walk towards the end of the arch, intending to head out towards the man-made lake today, someone calls my name. I turn and smile to see Rowan jogging towards me. Both boys have become like the brothers I never had, teasing me to keep my spirits up and fiercely protective when it comes to my safety.

“Good morning, pixie girl, sis,” he greets when he reaches us, not even a little puffed out. Bloody bastard. “I’ve a present for you, Lilly,” he tells me, a mischievous glint in his brown eyes.

Raising an eyebrow at him, he just gives me what I am coming to realise is one of the twins’ signature naughty smirks, then he reaches into his pocket and pulls out what looks like a brand new iPhone.

“What’s this?” I question, my heart rate picking up as I take the device from him and tap my thumb on the screen. Immediately, I see a message waiting for me.

Kai Evil Genius Matthews: So we can keep in touch, darling xxx

I quickly open it, rereading the message again as a smile tugs at my lips. I startle when another message pops up.

Loki Your Favourite Boyfriend Thorn: *winking face emoji*

Fucking cuntmuffin!

Followed by another.

Ash Our Almighty Leader: Who the fuck gave us these stupid-ass nicknames? Hello, Princess xxx

A laugh tinkles out of my mouth at seeing his words, and I can just imagine his grumbling tone of voice as he says them. Another message comes in, and I can’t help a bark of laughter that rings around the spring morning.

Jax Weapon of Mass Destruction Griffiths: I’m betting Loki, fucker. Baby Girl, you there?

Lilly Sexy AF Baby Mama: I’m here. And I like the nicknames *kissing face emoji*