My breathing becomes shallow when cool air hits my back as the duvet is lifted, the mattress dipping as the figure gets in behind me. Nausea swirls in my stomach when the heat of a body hits my spine through my nightgown, fingers digging into my hips painfully as a hardness is ground against my arse.
“Violet…” a deep, male voice groans, his painful grip loosening, then his palm glides down my thigh, fingers searching for my hem and leaving a sickening tingling in their wake. All whilst his hot, alcohol-scented breath washes over the back of my head, making me want to throw up.
Remember, Baby Girl, go in hard and fast, like you want to push through your attackers’ body.
Jax’s voice sounds in my head, as if he’s right in front of me, and before my brain has time to catch up, I’m throwing my head back with a yell. The satisfying sound of cartilage breaking sounds in the room, and warm liquid hits the back of my head, coating my hair.
“FUCK!” the male voice shouts, the heat of his body moving away from mine.
My head throbs, the dark room spinning as I struggle to sit up, my breaths laboured and sawing out of my chest.
“Lilly?! Everything okay?” a loud voice sounds from outside the door, the handle rattling.
“Rowan?” I croak, turning just as the dark shadow of a man flies across the room, pausing at the wall opposite the bed before disappearing through it.What the fuck?
“We’re coming in, Lilly,” Roman’s voice calls this time just as I hear the lock click, and the door swings open, hitting the wall with a crash. The room suddenly fills with light, and I squint at the harsh brightness, my hand flying up to shade my eyes as I manage to sit upright. “Fuck, why are you covered in blood?”
Both boys rush over to me, Rowan kneeling on the bed next to me to inspect the back of my head.
“Ow!” I hiss when he touches a particularly tender spot.
“Sorry, pixie girl,” he soothes, his fingers becoming a little more gentle. “It doesn’t look like you’re bleeding. What in the ever-loving fuck happened?”
“There was someone in my bed…” I shiver, tears filling my eyes and my cheeks reddening with shame at what I have to say next. “H–he was—he was touching me, so I headbutted him with the back of my head,” I tell them, feeling a drop of liquid hit my hands which are resting in my lap. “He called me Violet.”
“Motherfucker!” Roman curses, running his fingers through his shoulder-length hair. His all black outfit looks a little rumpled, but I guess it would be if he’s been on duty all day and into the night. “Where is he now?” he questions, looking around as if he’ll find him hiding under the bed.
“He disappeared through that wall,” I tell them, lifting my trembling hand and pointing to the spot opposite me. I can see a very faint outline in the wall, the right size for a door. Roman walks over to it, running his hands along the tiny gap.
“Servants' door, all the old manors have them. Can’t have the help cluttering up the hallways. Fucking elitist pricks,” he mumbles as a small click sounds in the room, and a second later the door opens to reveal a dark passageway. “He definitely went this way,” he tells us, stepping to one side and shining the torch on his phone onto the floor, highlighting spots of red.
“Check it out, I’ll wait here,” Rowan says, getting off the bed and holding out a hand. “I’ll help get you sorted, Lilly.”
“Just because you’re four minutes older, doesn’t make you the fucking boss,” Roman grumbles, but does what Rowan says and heads into the gaping darkness, shutting the secret door behind him.
“Has anything like this happened before?” Rowan asks me, his voice laced with gentle concern as he helps me out of the bed, tucking my trembling hand into the crook of his elbow. My other hand strokes over the fading bruises on my hip.
“I–I think maybe, but I’ve been too out of it to know if it was just a dream or not,” I confess quietly, pausing when his steps stop. I look up to see that his jaw is clenched, his face hard. I swallow thickly, trying to find the courage to ask a question in return. “D–do you know who it was?”
His eyes close, a deep exhale leaving his mouth before he turns, facing me, his hand coming over mine and tucking it further into the crook of his arm.
“We’re not sure, but I wouldn’t be surprised if your uncle has a broken nose and two black eyes tomorrow.” His eyes soften, his hand squeezing mine gently.
“Adrian?” I whisper, but don’t hear if he replies as I tear from his grip, making it just in time to throw up in the toilet. I heave until there’s nothing left, stomach acid burning the back of my throat.
I hear the sound of Rowan talking to someone, but my mind is too full of what he just implied. My uncle has been stealing into my bedroom at night, touching me, sexually abusing me, whilst I was too drugged up by him to defend myself.
All of a sudden the walls feel like they’re closing in, my breaths coming in short, sharp pants as the weight of that knowledge sinks in.
“Hey, Princess,” a deep voice I vaguely recognise sounds as if from far away. “Look at me, Lilly,” the voice commands, and I turn my head, finding familiar grey eyes full of worry looking back at me. “That’s it, my love, good girl. Now breathe with me, in and out,” Ash orders, and it takes me a second to realise that he’s on a phone screen and not actually in the room. A wave of almost crippling sorrow hits me, but I do as he orders and follow his deep breathing until the edges of the room go back to their usual place.
“Ash?” I rasp, my throat raw and tears dripping down my cheeks as I wrap my arms around myself, still sitting on the bathroom floor in front of the toilet full of my own vomit. “H–he touched me, Ash.”
“I know, Princess, I know. And I will personally chop off each and every one of his fingers for daring to lay a hand on you,” he growls out as a deadly fire burns in his eyes, a fire that warms me enough to sit up straighter. “I wish we could come and get you right the fuck now but we can’t, Princess.” Frustration is clear in the way he says the last part through clenched teeth. “If my father even suspects…shit, he may order Adrian to kill you, and I just can’t live in a world that you are not a part of. That’s not an option, Princess.” His eyes beg me for my understanding, for my forgiveness.
“I–I know, Ash,” I reply softly, lowering my gaze as my throat constricts at the thought of spending one more second with the fucking pervert that is my uncle.
“Look at me, Princess,” Ash directs once more, voice hard, so I do as he says. “You will not have to face him again. One of the boys will be with you, day and night.”