Page 95 of Bound

“So fucking hot,” he moans, thrusting his hips at me, and I feel his hard length pressed against my rounded stomach.

“Loki!” I chastise, shaking my head. “Focus, man!”

“Why don’t you two share with the class, Princess?” Ash drawls from the sofa, and I peer round Loki to see him sitting there still, the game controller on the coffee table in front of him.

I step away from Loki, taking his hand in mine and lead him to the others, Kai having sat down as well. Letting go of Loki, I walk over and place a kiss on Kai’s lips, then do the same to Jax and Ash. Only, being the Ash-hole that he is, he pulls me onto his lap, grasping my face in both hands, and kissing me soundly.

As usual he dominates with his lips and tongue, obliterating everything and everyone else with his touch. My body lights up under his caress, a whimper leaving me as he pulls back with a final peck on my kiss swollen lips.

“Now, what have you been plotting, Princess?” he asks, sounding cool as a motherfucking cucumber whilst I’m a hot mess.

I go to get up, but he lets go of my face, encircling me in his arms and pulling me more firmly into his lap.Guess I’ll stay here then.

“I’ve been thinking about how we can deal with Clarissa,” I tell them, my voice firm and upper lip curling as I say her name.She doesn’t deserve a fucking name, cum guzzling slutbucket.

Jax growls, but not at me, at the aforementioned slutbucket. Loki stiffens again having sat down next to Kai, and Kai clenches his hands into fists. Ash, unsurprisingly, remains still and unmoving underneath me.

“And what do you propose?” he questions, voice level, letting me know that he’s taking what I say seriously. This is what makes him a great leader. He may be an arsehole, but he will still listen to every opinion and suggestion, weighing it and considering it.

“Well, we start by leaking the videos to the police.” I watch Loki take a sharp breath, but he doesn’t interrupt. “Reporting her for sex with a minor. At the same time, we ‘find’ evidence of her betrayal of Black Knight Corporation, and share that with Julian, ensuring that she earns his ire, getting the maximum sentence for her crimes, plus total public humiliation and annihilation.”

Jax whistles, Loki’s brows raising to his hairline, and Kai is nodding, fingers tapping out a rhythm on his thigh as if he’s itching to grab his tablet and start typing.

“It’ll also have the added benefit of earning Julian and the board’s trust, helping to show that you are the good soldiers they’ve trained you to be, and so can be trusted. That way, they won’t see the knife coming when you stab them in the back.”

Ash’s fingers tighten against my hip, one hand lifting up to my face, grasping my chin, and turning me to face him.

“Loki was right, Princess,” he whispers seductively, his steel grey eyes boring into mine, banked heat in their depths. “You are so fucking hot when you’re plotting revenge.”

“So, you like the idea?” I ask, my pulse speeding up as I stare back at him.

“I fucking love it,” he tells me, a gleam in his eye and a satisfied smile on his face. “Kai.”

He doesn’t let go of my chin, gazing into my eyes as I hear Kai get up, then sit back down, the gentle tap of his fingers on his tablet sounding soon after.

“I’ve just transferred several lump sums into her account, under the guise of being from the CEO of Wolfgang Security,” he tells us, sounding distracted. My eyebrows raise to my hairline, a chill sweeping over me at the things Kai can do all from an iPad.

“Who?” I ask, still trapped in Ash’s stare.

“Our biggest competitor in the security industry,” he tells me.

“Also sent some incriminating emails to her from him that I’ve put in her deleted folder,” Kai tells us.

I place my hand on Ash’s, silently asking him to release me, which he does. Turning my head, I look at Loki.

“Are you okay with this, Loki?” I ask, looking intently at his reactions to see how he’s feeling.

He rubs his hand over his face, drawing his fingers through his auburn locks, my own hand itching to do the same.

“Yeah, I guess. It’s about time she paid for what she did,” he says, his voice getting stronger as he finishes. Kai stops tapping to place a hand on his knee and squeeze it.

“In that case, Kai, can you send that too please?” I ask, and he looks at me with a cheeky grin which makes my stomach somersault.

“You ordering me around too now, darling?” he questions, his smile getting wider as I blush. He gives me a wink, then looks back down at his tablet, his fingers flying across the screen. Minutes later, he looks back up at me, his look sombre. “Done.”

“And now we wait,” Ash supplies, trepidation running through me at his words.

Kai sets his tablet aside, getting up.