Page 100 of Bound

The crowd around me goes wild, chanting and shouting, but it’s as if I’m underwater, hardly hearing them as Jax circles his opponent. The guy tries to kick Jax, but he easily brushes it off, throwing a brutal punch to the man’s unprotected face. I wince as blood, and what looks like a tooth, flies across the concrete floor.

“Nice,” Ash says beside me, but the madman facing Jax just laughs, then launches himself at my Viking, wrapping his arms round Jax’s torso, looking like he’s trying to squeeze the life out of him.

“Shake him off, Knight!” Loki shouts angrily as Jax gets pinned to the fence opposite us. Jax punches the guy in the side of the head several times, but Crusher holds fast, even though it looks like blood drips down the side of his face.

The two fighters grapple for what feels like hours, but realistically can only be a minute or two at the most. Jax’s muscles strain, trying to get the upper hand, but he can’t seem to untangle this crazy motherfucker from round his ribs.

“Looks like our Knight just needs a little more incentive,” Loki whispers in my ear, and I startle, not having realised that he’d stepped up so close behind me, his front pressing to my back.

His hand comes round my front, making its way down over my top, shivers dancing over my skin as he lifts my tank, and slips his hand under the waistband of my leggings.

“Loki,” I grit out, his fingers dipping into my knickers, a husky laugh sounding in my ear as he discovers just how wet I am. In my defence, Ash started it, looking so fucking edible in those ripped jeans, then Jax’s kiss added fuel to the fire.

“Looks like watching Jax beat the shit out of that guy is making our girl all hot and bothered,” Loki says loud enough for the other two to hear, and they step closer.

“Loki, what the fuck are you doing?” Ash growls out, tension in his tone. “Fucking exhibitionist.”

Loki’s fingers slip through my folds, and I moan low, feeling his hardness pressing against my lower back as he leisurely strokes my clit, lighting me on fire.

“Loki,” I groan this time, losing myself to his touch, those clever guitarist's fingers playing me like a maestro.

“Look at Jax, baby. Watch our boy as I make you come,” he murmurs huskily in my ear, and my hooded gaze focuses back on Jax, who’s still grappling with his opponent. “Hey, Knight!” Loki leans back slightly and shouts, loud enough to cut through the din of voices around us.

Jax’s head darts up, the loss of concentration earning him a sharp jab to the ribs, but he doesn’t register it, his eyes taking in where Loki’s hand is in between my legs. Loki thrusts two fingers deep inside me and I can’t help but cry out, my fingers gripping the fence, watching as Jax’s nostrils flare, and his face fill with rage.

“You’ve done it now, bro,” Kai whispers, amusement in his voice, when with an almighty roar, Jax manages to throw off the other guy, sweeping his foot in a move that sends The Crusher crashing backwards.

Jax is on him in a second, knees either side of the other guy’s torso and pounding his head with his fists. Loki matches each strike with a thrust into my dripping pussy, and I gasp and writhe as ripples of pleasure radiate over my skin, building me higher. The crowd is going wild, screaming with bloodlust as Jax whales on his opponent, who can do nothing but try to cover his head with his arms.

Loki’s pace picks up, the heel of his hand hitting my clit, and I watch Jax, helpless to fight my impending climax as the ref walks over and pulls Jax off, raising his arm and declaring him the winner. Loki bites down on my neck just as Jax’s wild eyes find mine, and I explode, my cries lost in the screams and jeers of the crowd.

But Jax sees me, watching with a ravenous hunger as I fall apart on his best friend’s fingers. My chest heaves as if it were me in the ring, instead of him, and just as I’m coming down from my high, Jax tears out of the ref's grip, running towards us.

I release the metal links and my heart pounds when he leaps at the fence, somehow managing to climb it and drop down beside me, Kai stepping back just in time to avoid being crushed. Loki turns us, pulling his hand out of my knickers, my release glistening on his fingers.

Jax stares at me, chest heaving, ignoring all of the shouts and hollers that sound around us. His gaze flits to Loki’s hand as the mischief maker holds it out from behind me. Jax’s nostrils flare, scenting the air like a wolf, and he takes a step forward, pressing his sweat soaked chest to mine. He leans down, taking an almighty sniff of Loki’s hand, then in a move that shocks me and lights me up all at once, his tongue darts out and licks Loki’s fingers, a low rumbling groan sounding in his throat as he cleans them.

My brain short circuits, Her Vagisty screaming‘Hells Yeah!’as I watch him, his eyes closed and rapturous delight on his face. I can feel Loki’s arm trembling, his other hand gripping my waist tightly, obviously affected by Jax’s move.

“Maybe next time he’ll join us and Kai, huh, Pretty Girl?” he whispers softly in my ear, and I whimper.

Jax’s head snaps up at the sound, his pupils so dilated that only a thin ring of electric blue is visible. Loki steps back, leaving my back exposed, but although the warehouse is cold, I burn. I take a step away from Jax, kicking my trainers off and shrugging out of my jacket, staring into his eyes, and watching him like you would a wild animal, trying to anticipate when it’ll strike.

He stays still, watching as I take another step back, my flight instincts screaming at me to run.



“Everyone out!” Ash shouts, giving no shits about the grumbling people round us. I don’t take my eyes off of Jax, who stands there, completely still apart from the rise and fall of his chest. “Now!” Ash roars, and I feel more than see people scatter for the doors.

Within moments it’s just us, and my ears tingle at the sudden silence. Jax’s eyes don’t leave mine when he takes a slow menacing step forward. I take one backwards, not moving my eyes off him for a minute. His own widen, sparkling with the chase, as he steps towards me, and I back up again, my heart pounding, my breathing fast.

We repeat this dance until I round the corner, taking a few more steps before backwards bumping into something hard and solid, but warm. A flash of fear makes my stomach dip until ginger surrounds me, and I feel suddenly lightheaded with relief. It’s short-lived as Ash leans down, careful not to touch me.

“In the cage, Princess.”

I swallow hard, seeing the opening into the cage/ring to my left. Jax growls and my head whips to face him, seeing that he’s almost reached me. So I do what every stupid female lead in horror movies does, backing into the cage, soon finding myself in the middle. Jax enters, the opening shutting with a clang that seals my fate.