“I know,” he says back, his voice a little gruff. “And none of us hold that against you. We know that you’d marry all of us if you could. Sure I’m jealous as fuck that Ash drew the lucky straw, and I can’t wait to get him in the ring to take a little bit of that out on him,” he adds, an evil grin pulling up the corners of his lips that makes me worry for Ash a little. “But I’ll get over it.We’llget over it, Baby Girl.”
I lean in, placing a gentle kiss on his lips, a sigh caressing mine as I pull away again, aware of Willow being here.
“Thank you, my love,” I whisper, his nostrils flaring and his grip around me tightening at the nickname. I love all of their reactions when I use it.
He pulls me close again, his hands stroking down my back in a soothing caress that soon has my eyes closing, his heartbeat lulling me to sleep.
* * *
I hold Lilly tightly as her body grows heavy against mine, her breathing evening out as she falls asleep under my touch. I love how she’s so comfortable now that she can do that. Trusting me to take care of her when she’s at her most vulnerable.
I meant what I told her. I wish to god it was me she was marrying, but as long as I keep getting moments like this, I’ll get over it. Especially if I can get Ash in the ring a time or two.
Willow looks over, seeing that Lilly is asleep, and quietly leaves, saying that she’ll text Lilly tomorrow.
“How’s Enzo?” Loki asks, careful to keep his voice low so as not to disturb Lilly. She stirs slightly, then settles back down when I keep rubbing her back.
“Good. Pleased about his wedding invite,” I smile, remembering Enzo’s knowing smile as he told me that he and Rosa will be there.
“Jeez, Erica works fast,” Loki comments, sounding impressed. He’s right to be, Ash and Lilly only gave her the list of invitees yesterday and already she’d sent the invites by courier.
“How did training go? Did you get the fight moved?” Kai asks, the TV screen reflected in his glasses hiding his eyes.
“I’m almost back to where I was before,” I tell them, feeling the ache of my muscles that I’ve been working hard on lately. “Enzo managed to get it postponed until May seventh, but they wouldn’t do it any later.”
Loki whistles and I glare at him as Lilly stirs again.
“Fourteen days before the wedding...better than the day before I guess,” he comments, giving me one of his shit eating grins that tells me he’s about to say something insulting. “At least the bruising will have a chance to heal a little so you don’t look shit in all the photos.”
I growl, grabbing a pillow and launching it at his head. He ducks, which just makes me growl again as it flies past him. Lilly grumbles in my arms as the move jostles her, and I glare at Loki, smoothing my hand down Lilly’s back until she’s still once more.
“She’ll want to come, you know that,” Kai says, voice lowered, and I pull the girl in question tighter against me. “We won’t be able to stop her.”
“Fuck,” Loki hisses, and I agree with him. Underground MMA fights are no place for a girl like her, especially not in her condition.
“All of you will have to keep her safe, away from the scum,” I tell them, my lips twitching when Loki’s jaw clenches and Kai grinds his teeth.
“Of course we will keep her safe,” Loki all but snarls at me, Kai giving a sharp nod of agreement. “And if anyone so much as looks at her wrong…”
I know that my grin is as feral as both of theirs, as bloodthirsty. Some things in life are simple, at least that’s what I’ve always thought.
If anyone goes near our girl, they won’t see the sunrise the next day.
Iwake up smiling, still surrounded by the scent of sweet lemons, the warmth of Jax at my back. I love that I no longer spend a single night alone. Some might find it suffocating, but it brings me a sense of peace to know that one or more of my guys are with me all night, keeping me safe from monsters, both imagined and real.
I head downstairs, dressed in one of Jax’s huge black t-shirts, which falls off one shoulder, and a pair of soft cotton boy shorts with pictures of unicorns all over them. I’m desperate for a wee, apparently, this is most definitely a pregnancy thing, but it should start to ease a little now that I’m at the four-month mark.
I startle when I see Ash sitting at the table, an expresso sitting in front of him, the faint light of pre-dawn casting its watery glow across his inked torso. He looks up, and I gasp when I see his face. One eye is puffy, there’s a cut on his cheek, and his lip is clearly split on the same side.
“Fuck, Ash!” I exclaim, wanting to go to him, but my bladder is legit going to burst if I don’t go right now. “Shit, I’m about to piss myself. Don’t move.”
I hear his deep chuckle as I dash to the bathroom, sighing in pleasure as I sit on the loo—pissing has never felt so bloody good before!I flush the loo, worrying about what on earth happened all the time that I’m washing my hands, and hurry back out. Seeing that he’s still sitting there, I swing past the freezer, grabbing an ice pack and tea towel to wrap it in before going over to him.