What the…?I think as they tear off the rest of the bag, pulling out matching yellow princess dresses, that look a lot like the one from Disney'sBeauty and the Beast.She must have remembered what I’d said in the library on her first day, about them being obsessed with the movie. My heart skips a beat at the awesomeness of this girl.
They both turn and look at me, then Lilly, with shining eyes.
“You like them, then?” Lilly asks, laughing as they launch themselves at her, wrapping their spindly arms around her.
“Ohmygoshtheyaresobeautiful!” Heather squeals out all in one breath.
“I love it!!” Julie shouts, dancing on the spot and clutching the dress in front of her.
“What do we say, ladies?” I prompt, feeling a grin almost splitting my face.
“Thank you, Lilly,” they say in unison.
“You are most welcome,” Lilly beams back.
“Loki. Can we go and play princesses? Please?” Heather asks. Being older, at seven and a quarter, she's braver than Julie, who’s only just five.
“Of course,” I begin, but they dart off before I can finish. “But where's…” I trail off as I hear heeled footsteps approaching.
* * *
Loki's voice trails off as a tall, very attractive woman walks into the room. She's dressed in low black heels, sheer tights, a black pencil skirt, and a white blouse with a pink silk scarf tied round her neck, sixties style. Her hair is in a chic chignon, and her makeup is tasteful and subtle. She looks to be in her late thirties, maybe early forties.
I glance over to Loki and see that although he has a smile on his face, he's gone absolutely still, like a mouse when a hawk flies overhead. His visceral reaction confuses me and I can feel my forehead crease.
“Loki!” she exclaims, smiling with what looks awfully like attraction, and lust, on her face. She even licks her lower lip.Gross!
His answering grimace is tight, almost pained. It's a look I've never seen on him before. He's usually so easygoing, but he seems tense now, his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides.
“Clarissa,” he responds, his voice lacking its usual warmth.
I edge closer to him, placing my hand on his arm and squeezing gently. I can feel the tension in him ease a little, so I step even closer, our sides brushing.What is going on here?
Her head snaps to me, blue eyes sharp and cutting. Her smile, however, is still in place, yet it lacks any of the warmth that it held moments ago.
“And who is this?” she asks with a tightness to her voice, immediately raising my hackles.
“Clarissa, this is Lilly Darling,” Loki responds with a slight growl, as if she's annoyed him. “Lilly, this is Clarissa, the girls’ nanny.” My brows raise.The nanny? Then what the fuck is this about? And why is she looking at Loki like she wants to eat him?
She stares at me like I'm some kind of leper.
Oh, that cuntpuddle has just pissed me right off!
Turning to Loki, I mould my body to his side. I dismiss her like she no longer exists. I’d never usually be so rude, but something about this jizzstain rubs me up the wrong way.
“Loki, baby,” I say breathily, running my hand down his chest and batting my lashes at him, drawing his gaze to me. “Why don't you show me to your room,” I tease, biting my lip and forgetting all about said jizzstain for a moment, lost in a rush of lust.
His eyes flare with fiery lust as he stares down at me, and I'm relieved to see his usual cocksure smile back on his face, even if it's edged with a little confusion.
“Sure thing, Pretty Girl. I'll just grab our bags,” he says, going to make a move away from me. I clutch his arm a little tighter, feeling his muscles bunch and flex under my fingertips.
“Oh, honey. I'm sure...Melissa?” I say like I can't even be bothered to remember her name, looking at the woman in question. “Anyway, I'm sure she can grab them and bring them up? Just leave them outside the door,” I order whilst starting to lead Loki away out of the room and towards the stairs.
I don't miss the flash of rage in her icy blue eyes and can't help but smile smugly at her.Check, bitch.
I turn to face Loki who's looking slightly bewildered, but also turned the fuck on if the semi that he’s sporting is any indication. I smile brightly at him and gesture with my head for him to lead the way.