I feel wild tonight, like something is stirring beneath my skin waiting to be set free and howl under the moon. I feel reckless, like I could do anything. Be anyone. And this feeling of freedom is heady and way too addictive.
I'm practically vibrating with pent up energy as we make our way over to the group playing the game. Loki still has my hand in his, pulling me gently along. His normal vanilla scent has the addition of sweet weed and smoky bourbon mixed in. He smells decadent, like a night full of sin and debauchery. I inhale deeply, wanting to roll round in it and coat myself in his musk.
He looks back at me with that playful smirk and must see the heat in my eyes and the raw need on my face because suddenly, his nostrils flare as he takes me in, scenting me, and his own eyes blaze with emerald fire.
“Pretty Girl…” he gasps as I press closer to him, desperate for his touch. My clothes feel too tight all of a sudden, my skin needing his fingers, his lips, his tongue to travel across it.What's happening to me? What have these boys done?!
Our bubble of lust bursts when I hear the nasal tones of Amber Cumdumpster ask in an attempt at a seductive tone, “Are you playing, Loki?”
We both blink back the haze and come up for air, chests heaving. Loki shakes his head as if that'll help, then clears his throat.
“Pretty Girl wants to play, so, yes, we're playing,” he tells them as we move into the group, Loki sitting down on one of the sofas and pulling me into his lap. Jax and Ash sit down on either side of us.
“But no one fucking touches her,” Jax rumbles, giving everyone a full look with the promise of violence if anyone steps out of line. Alpha vibes roll off him in potent waves, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't turned all the way on right now.
“That's not really…” one of Amber’s clones begins, voice drying up as she comes under the intense gaze of Jax, Loki, and...Ash?Guess we're really doing this sharing thing, huh?A quiver runs up my thighs at the thought of all three of them. Together.Jesus.
“Are you questioning Jax?” Ash’s voice is low and like ice, so cold it burns. His eyes are the grey of a hurricane, right before it rips your house away and destroys your life.
“N–n–no,” she stammers, looking down and blushing furiously, hands trembling in fear.
“Good. Anyone else unclear?” he whips out, taking them all in as his head turns lazily, surveying his subjects.
There's a chorus of ‘no’ which seems to appease him. It hits me then, how powerful he is, actually, all of the guys are. They are the alphas of the school. The undisputed kings. And woe betide anyone who goes against their decree. I hadnoidea this was even a thing outside of novels and teen movies.
“Good. You may begin.” His arrogant entitlement is astounding, but the game starts all the same.
“I'll go first,” Amber declares, malice in her blue gaze as it alights on me. “Lilly, truth or dare?” she asks, her tone full of fake sweetness, like the candy covered in sugar that is sour as hell when you place it in your mouth.
I don't let my gaze waver, realising this for the battle of wills that she's clearly made it.Bring it on, jizzstain!I feel all three guys stiffen.
“Dare,” I say, oozing confidence.Never show weakness,my mum used to say.
“Hmmm…” she says, considering. I bet she's trying to think of something humiliating, something to make the guys laugh at me and make me look like a fool.
“I know!” she exclaims, snapping her fingers, delight coming over her features. “I dare you to strip in front of everyone!” she bursts out with glee.
Jax leaps up, growling, Ash goes still as stone, and Loki, well, he looks amused as usual, like life is one big game. But I can see by the tightness of his eyes that he's not happy.
“No fucking way,” Jax growls out, all contained violence and barely suppressed aggression.
I place my hand on Jax’s huge bicep, drawing his swirling ice blue gaze to my own. “I've got this, Jax. Trust me. Please?” I hold his gaze, until acceptance shifts in those blue depths, and he sits back down.
I walk over to the DJ and put in my song request asking him to wait for my nod, then walk back and stand in front of the guys, facing them.
I smile, then wink cheekily at Loki. I've no intention of stripping in front of basically the whole school, but I can give them a show, and prove Amber to be the twat that she is. What she doesn’t realise, what none of them realise, is that Mum danced at Grey’s, an exclusive gentlemen’s club in Soho, London, with the best dancers and strippers in the U.K. I spent many a day there, watching rehearsals and copying their exquisite gravity defying moves. I even managed to convince her to let Lexi, her best friend and fellow dancer, teach me properly a few years ago.
Confusion and hurt run through me at the thought of Lexi. I’ve not heard from her at all since Mum passed. Not a text, email, or phone call. Nothing. She was like an aunt to me, she was even there when mum had me, helping with my birth.
Pushing those thoughts aside, I nod, and the beginning beat ofHeavenby Julia Michaels starts playing.
A sexy as fuck chuckle rumbles from Loki's lips, and Jax curses whilst rubbing his thumb over his lower lip in a very distracting way. I see a fire light in Ash’s eyes, smouldering and just waiting to consume me.
I start to do a sexy walk, one foot in front of the other, pausing between each step to roll my hips, one hand in my hair. Then I let go and follow the beat, caressing my body, and showing these three guys how fucking horny they make me.
I flit my gaze between them, locking eyes with each in turn as I dance for them. I sensually make my way down to the wooden floor, hands planted as I spread my knees and grind into the ground. I come back up onto my spread knees, body rolling. I catch Ash's grey gaze briefly, his eyes aflame.
I smile as I slowly crawl towards him, placing my hands on his knees and undulating my body so my head hovers over his crotch as I flip my hair back. I can see his hard dick straining against his slacks when I bring myself back up onto my feet, arse in the air, and my head still over his crotch.