Page 130 of Captured

I take a steadying breath and face Ash, knowing that in a way, this will be the hardest goodbye. I feel like I'm signing his death warrant, sending him back to his abhorrent father. Especially after the story of Luc’s death. He’s been reserved since that day, but surprisingly he hasn’t withdrawn like he did after I told them about finding Mum. I can see him shutting down now though, his grey eyes going hard and unyielding, like he’s preparing himself for the ordeal ahead. I reach up, stroking the side of his face tenderly. A tear slips out of my eye, trailing down my cheek unbidden. His gaze softens, and he catches it on the tip of his finger, bringing it up to his mouth.

“Rubber duck?” he asks with a slight smile, bringing a watery one to my own lips.

“Any time, day or night,” I vow in a whisper, stepping closer.

His hands come up into my hair, pulling me so close, there’s not an inch of space between our bodies. The rest of the students, the sounds of cars, all fade away as we stare at each other, before he lowers his lips down to mine. I gladly open for him, his tongue teasing my own and tasting me until I’m not sure whose air is whose anymore. It’s a kiss to merge two souls until they become one entity, emerging stronger than before.

A small sob leaves me as he breaks away, steel eyes still locked onto my own.

“I love you, Ash,” I breathe. A fierce look takes over his face, his grip tightening in my hair.

He holds me for a moment, staring into my eyes, like he would set fire to the world in my name.

“Come on, Pretty Girl,” Loki whines, breaking the tension between us. “Let’s hit the road like a donkey cock,” he jokes, ruining the moment entirely, and Ash reluctantly lets go of my hair, allowing me to turn around.

I roll my eyes as I walk towards Loki’s car, taking one last look behind me, before stepping into the passenger side. My breath catches at the sight of the three beautiful, broken boys I’m leaving behind.

A tremble of premonition passes over me, and I have to shake off the feeling that things are changing, and won’t be the same after the break.

Don’t be a twat, Lilly!

My phone pings as we drive off, and I look down to see a message flashing on the screen.

Ash: I love you too, Lilly Darling x

* * *

Loki and I spend the first week chilling out watching movies, swimming, and hanging out with his sisters. Loki seems to have a burning desire to have sex in every room in the house. He tells me it’s his goal for the rest of the year, so we end up in all sorts of positions all over the mansion.

We don't see Clarissa much, apparently, she takes most of the holidays off, but whenever she is around, Loki clams up, and I’ve never seen him quite so...scathingly cold towards someone before.

There’s a story there that I’m determined to uncover one day, but I don’t want to ruin our little bubble of happiness so I keep quiet for now. Clarissa gives me the creeps, she looks at me with such loathing, like Loki is somehow hers, and I’m the other woman.Ewww!

We spend one evening talking about Christmas traditions. It’s mostly me talking, as it turns out Loki’s parents are often away over the holidays, and so Loki doesn’t really have many things that he does every year. I tell him about always making a Christmas cake with my mum, and about the time when I was ten, that I misread the instructions and put in one pound of salt instead of a pinch.

When I ask what he does for Christmas lunch, he replies that his parents get it sent in by some fancy restaurant. I’m determined to make him and his sisters a homemade English roast this year, and I make a list of all of the things I need, ordering it online to be delivered a few days before the twenty-fifth. I tell Loki to let his parents know that lunch is taken care of this year.

The next day waking up, I realise that I’m alone in Loki’s bed. I look over to the clock and notice that it’s mid-morning. Loki kept me up way too late last night, insatiable bastard. I grin to myself, stretching and feeling every delicious ache. Getting out of bed and grabbing one of Loki’s band t-shirts from the floor, I head to the bathroom to take care of business.

I emerge with still no sign of Loki, so I decide to go downstairs and grab something to eat. Approaching the kitchen, I hearWhite Winter Hymnalby Pentatonix playing, which makes me smile, knowing that he’s put it on for me as it’s one of my favourites.

Walking into the room, I stop when I see Loki leaning against the counter, with his panty melting grin firmly in place. He’s wearing an apron that reads ‘Redheads, setting your world alight’, and I would laugh because it’s just so Loki, except that it looks like that’s all he’s got on. He confirms my theory when he stands up and slowly turns around, flashing his peachy arse.

“Loki!” I admonish him with a laugh. “What will your sisters say?”

“They’re at a friend’s for the day, Pretty Girl,” he purrs, sauntering towards me, and I swallow at the heat in his eyes. “It’s just you and me today.”

When he reaches me, he grabs me around my waist and pulls me close, growling with approval when he realises that I’m only wearing his t-shirt and silk knickers.

“That will have to wait,” he muses, his hand caressing my arse, sending tingles racing over me.

“Wait?” I question, brows lowered in confusion. Loki never waits to get in between my thighs.

He takes a step back, indicating the worktop, which is covered in packets, and a very expensive looking mixer.

“We've got a Christmas cake to make, baby,” he grins.

I throw myself at him with a squeal, wrapping my arms and legs around him, his hands gripping my arse, as I pepper his face with kisses.