Page 115 of Captured

Her Vagisty is in fine form I see, the hussy!

I look around the space, seeing that it’s a pretty standard setup. At least, I think it is, but what the fuck do I know, never having been in a gym before I started Highgate Prep. There's a ring in the middle of the space, where two guys are already sparring. I notice both of them are smaller than my boys, and a sense of satisfaction washes over me.

There’s a weights area in one corner, another section with loads of punch bags hanging from the ceiling, and along one wall, mats are laid out in front of a mirror. There are a couple of guys in each area, which surprises me given it’s still early on a Sunday, so it must be a popular place.

An older guy with salt and pepper hair comes towards us, his handsome face full of smiles as he takes in the guys. His grin widens as he sees me standing with Loki on one side, his arm still around my shoulders, and Jax standing on the other, his hand in mine. Poor Kai is left to fend for himself next to Loki.

“Boys!” he says in a slight Italian accent, opening his arms wide and engulfing Kai in a full on man hug, kissing both cheeks. He’s wearing some loose gym shorts and a black tank top that shows off his buff arms, which are covered in colourful old school style tattoos. “So good to see you all again,che piacere!” he tells them, moving on to hug Jax, who wraps his own huge arms around him in return. I assume this is Enzo.

“Come stai? Tutto bene?” Enzo asks, pulling back but keeping Jax at arm's length. Jax nods in his usual silent way, but there's a warmth in his eyes that's not often there with anyone outside of our group.

Enzo skips me with a wink as he grabs Loki, pulling him off me to squeeze him and kiss his cheeks too.

He turns his gaze towards me, letting Loki go, and his brown eyes are full of kindness, as well as a little mischief.

“Principessa, you must be Lilly. The boys neglected to tell me how beautiful you are,bella come la primavera,” he says, making a blush rise to my cheeks as he takes my hand and places a kiss on my knuckles.

Jax growls which makes Enzo laugh out loud. “Oh, don't worry,figlio mio, I’m not trying to steal her away! I’m old enough to be her father! And Rosa, Mrs Russo,” he turns to me with another wink, “would never forgive me...sti ragazzi,” he says, shuddering. I hear Jax grumble which makes him chuckle more.

“You must be Enzo,” I say back, a warm smile spreading across my lips. “And the boys neglected to mention anything about you to me,” I say teasingly, narrowing my eyes at the guys, and causing Enzo to raise an eyebrow at them in mock severity.

They all rush to defend themselves, talking over each other, and their worry that they’ve upset him is actually kind of sweet. I can see how much he means to them in the way they behave towards him. I can’t say that I’m that surprised, given how their own parents act. Enzo seems to truly care about them.

“Don’t worry, boys, I’m sure I’ll forgive you all for your negligence,mannaggia,” he says with a smile, to show them he’s kidding. “Now, I want you all to do your warm up, then three rounds on the punch bags, then weights, yes?Andate, forza!” he orders, clapping his hands and dismissing them.

“Are you sparring today, Jax?” he asks my Viking, who just nods. Enzo pauses, searching his gaze for a moment, then sighs before nodding back. “I’ll show Lilly around and get her settled,prego.” He holds out his arm for me to take and starts walking away.

He shows me the equipment whilst telling me all about how his father came over from Italy when he himself was a teenager, bringing his family with him. His father set up the gym, teaching and coaching semi and professional boxers. He points to grainy pictures on the walls of a gentleman who looks very similar to himself, alongside younger men wearing boxing gloves and holding huge belts.

“So, what would you like to do today,cara mia?” he asks me.

“Um, well, I was thinking maybe some yoga to warm up, and then perhaps practice some self-defence moves with one of the guys. Jax has been teaching me since…” My voice trails off, realising that I’d just started to open up to a complete stranger about what happened with Robert.

Enzo’s eyes go hard, and his grip on my elbow tightens. “He deserved what he got,quel disgraziato. My boys know how to take care of things and protect their own,” he says fiercely, and I gasp.

“How do you…” I begin, confused at how, and why, they would have told him. I mean, I know they’re close with the man, but still, surely it puts them in danger if anyone else knows.

“Me and my guys, we help them to...clean up,” he replies, and suddenly, I understand who helped take Robert away.

“Thank you,” I whisper, and his hand tightens once more as we stop outside what looks like an office.

“Senza problema,of course,” he leans, kissing my cheek gently, and I can’t help the emotion that clogs my throat.

This is what having a father must feel like.

“Now,” he says, turning to open the door of the office. “You can get changed in here, as we don't have anywhere else suitable for a young lady.Prego,” he smiles so kindly at me, that I can’t help but lean over and kiss his cheek. His cheeks flush a little, whilst I smile.

A few minutes later, I emerge from the office, having left my clothes inside, neatly folded in a pile. I head over to where the guys have left our bags, seeing a few heated glances aimed my way. I’m just taking out my Bluetooth earbuds and phone to set up some calming music to practice to, when I hear the growl of Jax’s voice behind me.

“Not fucking happening, Baby Girl,” he huffs as I straighten up, turning towards him.

Seconds later, I’m encased in darkness as a soft cloth is placed over my head, smelling of lemons. My head pops through a hole in the top, and I realise that Jax is now standing before me minus his tank top, which is now on me.

He gives me a nod before turning and striding away, and although I’m a little pissed at his caveman attitude, Her Vagisty is practically drooling at all the muscles now on display and the public claiming that just went down.Fucking traitor!

“Is this really necessary?” I ask his retreating back. It is a gorgeous back.Sigh. He turns around, narrows his eyes at me, growls and then stalks off.Possessive bastard!

Accepting defeat, I pull my arms through the armholes, tying a knot in one side, so that at least it’s a little bit out of my way. I select the music, pop the earbuds in, and make my way over to the mats in front of the mirrors.