Kai seems to find his voice and walks over to me. With his eyes on the ground, he holds out a black holdall to me.
“I–I brought over some of your clothes and things. I thought we could go from here,” he says, finally meeting my gaze with his honey brown one. His wonderful, fresh woodsy scent surrounds me as he hands me the bag.
“Thanks,” I smile. “I'll be ready in two shakes of a lamb's tail!” I call as I turn and head back up the stairs, feeling three sets of eyes following my movements.
Twenty minutes later, I'm coming back down the stairs, washed and ready to go. Kai packed my most sensible clothes; high-waisted nineteen-fifties style slim leg blue jeans, long-sleeved red striped top, tucked in at the waist obviously, and a soft as butter red cashmere jumper.Seems he likes the vintage look,I muse. He's also brought my brown leather utility style boots, the most like walking boots-type shoes that I own.
I wonder if I should be pissed that he went through my stuff...it seems that the dominant behaviour of the others is definitely turning me submissive because I find, with some surprise, that I don’t mind.
He looks up from where he's sitting on the sofa, I think it's the one that we.... At least it’s been neatly folded away, although surely it needs cleaning after last night’s activities? A shudder runs through me at the thought of some poor cleaner having to deal with that clean up. It’s then that I look round and realise that the whole place is spotless. You wouldn’t be able to tell that a party took place last night.
He stands up as I approach, honey brown eyes roving my body, heat entering his gaze.
“You look lovely, Lilly,” he says in that soft melodic voice of his. “We won't be going over any rough terrain so your boots should be fine,” he assures me, handing me a lightweight crimson waterproof jacket that still has tags on it.
“What's this?” I ask, looking at the cherry red jacket in my hands.
“Uh, I saw you didn't have one, so I got it for you,” he says shyly, flushing pink once more and rubbing the back of his neck.
“Really? That's so kind, Kai! Thank you.” I lean over and kiss his cheek, making him go even redder. I pull the tags off and slip the jacket on. It’s a perfect fit and doesn't look too bad either.
“Ready?” he asks, clearing his throat.
“Yep,” I say, popping the p. I smell the sweet lemon scent of Jax before huge arms go round me from behind, and he nuzzles my hair.
“See you later, Baby Girl,” he rumbles in my ear, and I shiver. “Stay safe, and don't go off the path,” he adds, looking up to Kai, who just rolls his eyes as if he's not being stared down by a giant.
“Hey, big guy! Quit hogging our girl!” Loki says, bounding up to me, and literally snatching me out of Jax's arms, making Jax growl.
Hang on, our girl? They really are happy to share me?My thoughts are still whirring as Loki's lips descend on mine, kissing me soundly and leaving me breathless.
“Laters, babe,” he says teasingly, giving me his usual grin and a wink.
“Uh...bye,” I manage to stumble out, looking round and catching Ash's serious grey gaze.Does he ever lighten up?He just nods then turns away, dismissing us.Wankstain.
Kai opens the front door on a beautiful, sunny autumn day. The trees, now that I can see in the daylight, are a riot of colour. From a deep amber to a brilliant red, and every autumn colour in between. The sky is a gorgeous cloudless blue, and the sun is warm, but not too hot. I take a deep breath of sweet air, marvelling at how I ended up here. After everything that happened, I never dreamt I would feel happy again. Or so at peace. But that's what I feel here, with the guys, surrounded by all this beauty.
Kai hands me a foil wrapped package that's still warm. “I made you some breakfast to go,” he tells me, and I open it to find an egg and bacon roll.
“Thanks,” I say, tucking in straight away and moaning my appreciation.
I'm starving! Or Hank Marvin, as Mum used to say, which is cockney rhyming slang for starving. A familiar pang hits me at yet another thing about her that will live in my memory. But it doesn’t overwhelm me as it would have done a few weeks ago.
Kai leads me into the trees, taking a path that is small, but well worn.
“Do you walk here often?” I ask, loving the crunch of leaves under our boots.
“Every chance I get,” he replies. “I love the outdoors. I feel so...free here. Like there is nothing I can't do, and no weight dragging me down.”
His solemnly cryptic answer makes me pause, looking at him. He's so reserved, and I know next to nothing about him. About any of them, really. The thought makes me frown. Given how intimate we've been, I ought to know more about them. And they me.
“I find the same sense of peace here,” I reply, filing away the urge to find out more about him. “I didn't think I would ever feel that way again. But I do here.”
“Is that because of what happened with your mom?” Kai asks me softly. We're side by side, but I come to a halt, feeling suddenly cold, like I've been dunked in ice cold water.
He stops and turns back, a pain so stark in his honey eyes I gasp. It's the same pain as mine, the one I see in the mirror when I can't sleep. When the nightmares and the images of drowning in blood keep me awake.
“My parents died in a car crash when I was young,” he begins, still holding my gaze. “I, like you, went to live with my uncle. I thought I'd never smile again, never laugh or dream. But I had the guys, and soon I was able to do all those things and not feel guilty doing them.”