Olivia’s heart stilled, and then began to hammer beneath her breast. “Oh. I see.”

He opened the door of the hackney wider so that she could step down to the ground.

As she stood beside him, he said, “I’ll ensure that your trunk is brought up straightaway.”

She nodded stiffly. “Thank you. I would appreciate that.”

As Olivia trudged through the snow and into the inn, she was anxious about the night ahead. Not only would she be spending it alone with a man, but he was a stranger. She didn’t know anything about him. He seemed to be honorable, but what if he attempted to take liberties with her? It wasn’t as if she could appeal to anyone for help. The single person who knew that they weren’t a married couple was the coachman and if he was staying with the vicar somewhere else in the village, it wasn’t as though his assistance would be readily available.

Tears threatened, for she had never felt more alone in her life. If this is what true independence was like, she wasn’t sure she liked it at all.

Chapter Three

Miles didn’t know why he had been thrown into such a precarious situation with this intriguing woman, but he was quite sure he didn’t deserve such torment. Not only was it distressing enough to suddenly rediscover his attraction for the opposite sex, but to feel this way when he was alone with an innocent woman who was pretending to be his wife while they were forced to share a bed?

That was getting dangerously close to the seventh circle of hell.

Thus, he reminded himself that he was a war hero, celebrated for his efforts during Waterloo, was close friends with the Duke of Wellington, and yet, he couldn’t control his base urges? Then again, he would be waking up on Christmas morning next to a beautiful woman and not be able to do a damned thing about it.

Reminding his cock who was in charge, Miles removed Lady Olivia’s trunk from the top of the hackney and, after the coachman rejoined him, they headed for the stables. As the coachman and the stable lad took care of the mares, Miles unhitched his mount that had been tied to the back and led him over to a section of hay. As the gelding began to eat greedily, he patted the animal on the neck with fondness. “This is quite a mess, isn’t it, Gladiator?” he rasped with a murmur. “Here I promised you a nice place to sleep for the night and here we are.” He glanced around the modest dwelling. “But I think you’ll do fine. Let’s just hope that we can get to Marlington Hall tomorrow.”

He turned to gather Lady Olivia’s trunk once more and glanced toward the inn. A feminine silhouette passed in front of one of the second story windows and his cock tightened, knowing it was her.

Clenching his jaw, Miles shoved aside his body’s sudden demands and hoisted the trunk over his shoulder, choosing to carry it upstairs himself. It wasn’t as though he wasn’t capable, and since he was under the pretense of being Mr. Stone, the estate manager, he knew he had to get used to doing things for himself. Who knew how long this charade would continue once they reached Marlington Hall?

When he opened the door to the rented set of rooms, he saw a cheery fire burning in the grate. A tray of food was sitting on a modest table and a metal hip bath was steaming in the corner. He had to admit that the innkeeper had been quite generous, and she didn’t even know he was a duke. A lamp was lit beside the bed, but he tried not to allow his attention to linger there for long.

There was a movement by the window, and Lady Olivia allowed the covering to fall back into place as she turned to face him. She had yet to remove her clock and bonnet, was hugging herself and looking as lost as anyone could possibly appear. He was grateful that he wasn’t the only one feeling out of sorts. But then, her reasons were uncertainty, rather than a stirring of long buried desire.

“Have you eaten yet?” He asked as he removed his greatcoat and laid it over a nearby chair, although he recalled that his hat was still sitting on the carriage seat.

“I… wasn’t that hungry.”

He frowned at that. “You should try to eat something. Tomorrow could be another long day.”

She must have considered the truth to that statement, for she slowly walked forward. She had a moment’s hesitation before she sat down.

Miles walked over and lifted the lid on the food to reveal bread rolls and porridge, along with a bottle of wine. He tried to keep his distaste at bay. He used to love porridge, but it was difficult to stomach after the war when the only thing he’d been able to eat for months was cold gruel. “It may not be the opportune Christmas Eve meal, but it looks wonderful to me.”

He glanced up at his companion to see her staring at him. When their gazes met, she immediately allowed hers to fall. He poured them both a glass of wine and then handed one to her. “Here. This should help calm your nerves a bit.”

Her gaze shot back to his, but she accepted the offering with a slightly, unsteady hand. “Thank you,” she murmured, and then took a sip of her drink.

Miles knew it would relax her, hopefully enough that she could get something into her stomach.

He settled himself across from her and began to fill his plate. He tore off a piece of the roll and popped it into his mouth. While it wasn’t as warm or tasty as the loaves he consumed at Gravesend Manor, it kept his hunger at bay, so he was grateful for that.

When he swallowed, he was careful to follow it with some wine. He couldn’t take anything as simple as eating for granted after the injuries he’d sustained after the war.

It wasn’t until he was reaching for his second roll that Lady Olivia set down her wineglass and decided to do the same. Their hands brushed and she quickly withdrew hers and set it in her lap. “I’m… sorry.”

Miles tilted his head to the side, wondering why a woman like Lady Olivia was so reticent. Earlier, in the carriage, they had shared a simple conversation, but at least she was conversing with him. Granted, she was an innocent and likely unsettled about the present situation, but he wondered if something else wasn’t amiss. Had it been her recent fall through the ice that made her so unsure of herself, or had she always been this withdrawn?

He grabbed a roll and held it out to her with a slight smile.

She silently reached out and accepted the offering, but he noticed that she didn’t immediately start eating, but rather held it in her hand and stared at it.

He couldn’t stand the silence any longer. “Is something troubling you, my lady?”