But to face the rest of her days with him not in it was devastating to comprehend.
“Can I give you my answer in the morning?”
He lifted a brow. “So that you can find some way of talking yourself out of it?” He shook his head. “No, Olivia. I have to know tonight. Right now. Will you marry me, or not?”
She hesitated, allowing her focus to run over his midnight hair pulled back into that simple queue, down the strong column of his throat and along his broad shoulders and muscular chest, and then traveled back up along his jawline with its slight hint of dark stubble. A surge of anticipation shot through her and traveled across her skin as she looked at his sculpted mouth, knowing that he had just kissed her with such devilish abandon, and finally, returned her attention to his eyes.
It was the focus and strength she saw in his dark gaze that decided her answer. “Yes, Miles. I will marry you.”
His hands tightened slightly. “And what about the bedchamber arrangement? I cannot allow this to be a union in name alone.”
She shook her head. “It will not.”
His eyes sparked and he rose to his feet but extended a hand to her. “I’m very glad to hear that, Olivia. And because you are trusting me on this matter, I feel a demonstration is in order.”
Excitement pulsed through her blood, but she didn’t want to assume he meant more than he did. “What do you mean?”
“Leave your door open for me. I’ll come to your bed and show you.”
She was lost to his dark promise. “Yes.”
* * *
Miles knewthat he couldn’t withstand the temptation of Olivia’s sweet body if he didn’t take care of his pulsing cock first. He escorted her to her chamber, and then found the way to his own where he took himself in hand. It didn’t take long before he was groaning in sweet release, just thinking of the night he had planned. It would be best for their first night together to be the eve of their wedding, but they were officially betrothed now, and he didn’t want their marriage to start out in discomfort, as it generally was for a woman’s first time. He wanted to ensure that there was nothing but pleasure that awaited her on that day.
He ordered the copper tub to be filled and he languished in the steaming water, allowing it to soothe his tight muscles. It had been a stressful day, but he intended to be rewarded with Olivia. He got out and dried off and had just tucked the linen around his waist when there was a light knock at his chamber door.
He frowned, because he’d specifically requested that he not be disturbed for the rest of the evening. With an impatient stride, he walked to the door, but when he opened it, any sour retort died on his lips, for his mother stood there. She looked impeccable, as always, her dark hair lined with silver pulled back into an elegant chignon and her green eyes assessing, if not a bit weary from her recent travel through the cold, wintry countryside.
She lifted a sardonic brow when she spied his state of undress. “Really, Gravesend, it’s in poor form to answer your door in such a state of dishabille. Or to answer it at all. Luckily for you, I’ve brought along your valet to reassume his duties. He’s downstairs with my maid getting settled in with the rest of the staff.”
Miles blinked, but once the initial shock had worn off, he stalked over to his bed and shoved his arms in his robe and belted it around his waist. He clenched his jaw, for any carefully laid plans had crumbled to dust beneath his feet. “You’re here early,” he noted evenly.
She laughed and walked farther into the room. “Is that any way to greet me after you left London so abruptly?”
He had the grace to appear contrite. He returned to her side and bussed a respectful kiss to her cheek. “I apologize for that, Mother, but I just couldn’t abide the thought of…people.”
She sighed. “Sadly, yes, I do understand. I knew it was a gamble to put so much pressure on you to attend such a large gathering when I had just managed to coerce you away from the estate. But I had hoped that—” She broke off with a wave of her hand. “I suppose that event doesn’t matter now because I’m more interested in your reply to my letter. You mentioned that Lady Olivia Bevelstroke was here? How, exactly, is that possible?”
Miles opened his mouth to explain, but then shook his head. “It’s rather complicated and best reserved for the morning, don’t you think?”
“I suppose,” she returned, although he could tell by the tight set of her mouth she wasn’t pleased by the delay. She turned to go, but she turned and said over her shoulder, “The least you can do is offer me some tea and some light conversation in the parlor.”
Miles thought of Olivia and her sweet body awaiting him in her chamber. “Don’t you wish to turn in early? No doubt it has been a trying day with so much travel.”
She lifted a dark brow. “You forget that I am used to town hours which means I am used to staying up late.” She sauntered out the door. “Now make yourself presentable and don’t keep me waiting long.”
He let out a heavy sigh when she departed. It appeared that his tryst with Olivia would have to be postponed, much to his chagrin.
He was already dressed in shirt and trousers, but didn’t bother with a waistcoat or cravat, when his valet made an appearance. “Your Grace.” He bowed respectfully. “Is there anything I can do for you?”
For some reason, the man’s appearance only annoyed him further. He waved an impatient hand. “No, you may retire for the night. I have no need of your services.”
The man looked slightly crestfallen, but Miles was more concerned about his waylaid plans of seduction with Olivia.
He headed for her chamber and took a deep breath, and then rapped on her door. After a few moments, she opened it and peered out cautiously. However, when she saw him, her breathing hitched and she said, “Your Grace.” Her voice lowered slightly. “I wasn’t expecting you this soon.”
His mouth went dry. She was wearing a nightdress and robe and her blond hair was unbound, falling to her waist like a golden curtain. He had to clench his fists and allow the nails to bite into his palm to regain his equilibrium before he could continue. “I am going to have to regrettably postpone our rendezvous.” The words quite literally pained him to utter them aloud. “My mother is here.”