“You sound quite determined.”

Those green eyes glittered, hardening like chips of icy emerald. “On this, I most certainly am.”

He raised a hand to his chin and scratched the stubble that was already starting to make an appearance, and he had shaved just that morning. “I have no doubt that you will give the old codger a lot to consider.”Good God. Did you just refer to yourself in the third person?

Miles pushed aside his inner chiding and concentrated instead on how he might dissuade the lady from lingering at Marlington Hall for long. He wasn’t completely cold hearted, so he would humor her for a time. He was also sympathetic to her plight, but there would no longer be a permanent residence for her there. If it was as grand as he had always heard, he would be inclined to assume the dukedom permanently, whereas the estate would be his primary home. Having this particular female underfoot would not do, especially when he found himself admiring, not just her tenacity to achieve her current ends, but her beauty as well.

Not for the first time since he’d met the lady, a flash of another face, from another time, passed through his memory.


That was long ago—long before he’d become a scarred duke, intent on living out the rest of his days as a secluded recluse.

But that was a story he preferred not to tell. Or remember, for the pain was too severe to ever revisit.

Instead, he posed a question to his traveling companion. “How might you introduce yourself when you arrive at the estate, your trunk in tow? If you announce your intentions from the beginning, he might not be willing to even let you inside.”

She worried her lower lip and for some reason, the innocent action caused his cock to twitch with sudden interest. He shifted slightly. It had been some time since he’d been struck with any sort of sensation south of his waistline. The idea that he would feel a stirring of desire after all these months made his brow furrow.

“I honestly hadn’t thought of that,” she returned. “I had hoped that I might appeal to his good nature.”

He snorted. “And here I was under the impression you were distrusting of most.”

She seemed to consider his words. “I admit that the chances are slim that he will greet such a distant relative with open arms, but at least I’m willing to try.” She turned her head to look out the window. “Although I am distrusting, it doesn’t mean that I can keep myself at a distance at all times. I care a great deal for my sisters, even though we only have a common father. The previous Duke of Marlington was known as the Black Widower, because he had buried four wives. I can tell you that he was a good man and I know that he truly cared for each of them. Do I think he loved them all?” She shook her head. “I can’t say what was in his heart, but he always spoke of each of them with a particular fondness and with great emotion.” She faced him once more. “That, Mr. Stone, is why I’m really going back to Marlington Hall. Not only is it where I felt safe, but I hope to experience that deep and abiding love again.”

Miles wasn’t sure how to reply to that. He had never actually believed in love, had imagined himself to have fallen prey to it once before, but it had been a shallow endeavor that had ended in disaster. But since he didn’t wish to dash her hopes against the rocks of reality just yet, he decided it was best to put an end to this conversation. “I shall do my best to ensure you succeed in your endeavors, my lady.” He leaned his head back against the squabs of the carriage seat. “Now, I think I shall try and get some rest. Canterbury is about two days’ ride from here in good weather. It will not look good on us if we are travel weary.”

* * *

Olivia wasgrateful for the reprieve. She hadn’t intended to share that much of her life with him, but she had found it rather easy to unburden herself to Mr. Stone. He seemed like a genuine sort of fellow, but the less time she spent in his company would be infinitely better for her peace of mind.

Following his lead, she laid her head back against the seat. There was a lot to think about before she arrived at the estate, but either way, she vowed that she would be victorious, for failure was not an option.

It seemed as if Olivia had just closed her eyes when she was startled awake once more. Not sure what had roused her from sleep, she feared that they had slid off the road again, but when she blinked to gain her bearings and reality told her that they were still on solid ground, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She jumped when the door was thrust open, bringing in a gust of winter wind with it. She shivered in her cloak and clenched her gloved hands in her lap and noted that it was still dark outside.Would this dreadful night never end?

“We stopped to change horses.” Mr. Stone stood in the doorway in his snow dusted hat and greatcoat. He had a gloved hand on the frame and his expression appeared grim, so it wasn’t terribly shocking when he announced, “But I’m afraid there is a larger impediment in our path.”

All of Olivia’s senses went on alert. Something told her she wasn’t going to like what he was about to say. “What is it?”

“Our coachman says that the roads are too treacherous to continue on until the worst of the storm has passed.” He paused dramatically.

“And?” she prompted.

“It means we will have to spend the night at the inn.”

Olivia breathed a sigh of relief, but then she wondered if he appeared slightly ill because he was worried about funds. “Rest assured, I shall ensure that you and the coachman are properly settled for the evening as well, Mr. Stone.”

His expression did not change. “The coachman has been offered lodgings with the local vicar.”

She nodded.

“As for us,” He dropped his hand. “There is only one room available. We would have to share, or else draw straws to see who would remain in the carriage.”

She started to laugh. “If that was your attempt at a joke, it’s not a very humorous one—”

He continued as if she hadn’t spoken. “Since I wouldn’t allow you to freeze to death, and with the same assumption you should do the same for me, I accepted the rooms on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Stone.”