Page 99 of Rogue Wolf Hunter

Jace placed his hand over hers, his voice an aroused growl. “Only when you touch me.”

Frankie couldn’t help herself. She met his eyes again, and her breath caught.

They stood in total stillness.

He stroked his thumb over the top of her hand. “I’m sorry I can’t give you what you want,” he said, barely above a whisper. “Not without ruining everything you need.”

She swallowed, trying to find the ability to speak. “I’m sorry, too.”

He kept staring, and Frankie wasn’t sure how to handle it.

Unintentionally, she inched closer.

Jace cleared his throat and stepped back.

Her hand fell from his chest to hang limp at her side. Yeah, she was an idiot. Thinking she could have him both ways.He wanted her. He’d made that much clear, but the distance he’d placed between them over the past few days said he wouldn’t play second-fiddle to Amarok. He’d only have her again if she was ready to go all in, and in the meantime, their constant flirtations were driving her wild—exactly like he intended.

It was all or nothing with Jace.

And he was playing to win.

She stepped away from him.Learn to take a hint, Frankie,she chastised herself.

Jace cleared his throat again. “I can feel it when the moon is full. But I can’t feel it now. So how am I supposed to gather it?”

“You’re going to have to learn how to feel it.” Her palm tingled from where she’d touched his skin. Her arms didn’t feel right hanging at her sides, so she crossed them over her chest. She wanted to wrap them around him. Instead, she tightened them around her body, trying to hold herself together. “You’ve probably suppressed it so long that you can’t feel it anymore. Can you think back to the last time it was there?”

“When I hunt.”

“What do you mean?” she said.

He stared at the wall as if he didn’t want to look her in the face. “When I’m out hunting… well, you know.” He glanced at her to gauge her reaction.

“Wolves? Our people?”

Jace frowned. “Only the criminal ones. Ones who hurt humanity,” he amended quickly, making it clear that despite all her darker dealings as a packmaster, he didn’t considerherto be one. “When I’m hunting, I can feel something stir inside me. Almost like an animal living under my skin. A beast.”

“Is there any way we can simulate the feeling you get when you hunt?”

He squared his jaw and rubbed his temples in slow circles, a slight smirk crossing his lips. “Not unless you bring Rock in here and let me tear into him.”

“Aren’t you funny?” she said coldly. “What’s your problem with him, Jace?”

“I have a problem with any man, wolf or otherwise, who has what I want.”

A moment of silence passed between them as he scanned the length of her body and her skin seemed to catch fire. He could caress her with one look.

“Come here,” he said.

Without thinking about what she was doing, Frankie shuffled forward a few inches. He pulled her against his body, lacing his fingers through her hair, until a blush heated her cheeks.

“If you stand close to me, I might be able to shift.”

“Why does this strike me as an obvious ploy?”

“I don’t need a clever ploy to make you want to be in my arms, Frankie.” His grip on her tightened, and she could feel the hard length of his cock push against the soft skin of her stomach. He leaned his face into hers, and she fought hard not to gasp as his lips lingered dangerously close to her ear.

His warm breath danced over her skin. “Just stay with me,” he whispered again.