Page 84 of Rogue Wolf Hunter

“What the fuck, Jace?” Trent whined.

At least someone had given him some goddamn pants.

Damon shot a silencing look toward them from the driver’s seat as they all sped off. None of them spoke again until they were all sealed safely within Shane’s office at the university, a location too public for HQ to follow. No way could they chance going back to division headquarters at this pace.

They were all perched in various stages of wait as Shane tapped away on his keyboard, until finally Jace said, “Well?” He was leaned against a bookshelf and from his position, it was hard to read what exactly the witch hunter’s expression meant.

“It’s not good news,” Shane answered.

“When has it been good news lately?” Jace lifted a brow.

But something in Shane’s expression turned dark. “I think you need to see this for yourselves.” He twisted his computer screen toward them.

Jace scanned over the contents on the screen. Slowly, he tracked what Shane had been doing, piecing the puzzle together. Buried deep within Headquarters database behind several encryptions was another level of access code, something Jace or Damon, considering their seniority,shouldhave had access to if it’d been official, and yet...

The internal memo read a recent date, identifying their division by name.

“Shit,” Jace swore for what had to be the umpteenth time that evening.

“It gets worse. The split we’ve all been sensing in the organization is real. Several of the higher ups from Cronos have sold-out, bought into what appears to be some supernatural-targeting hate group. Essentially home-grown supernatural hating terrorists. Chet’s one of them. Anyone not on their side or who hasn’t been brainwashed into wanting to join their in-group is basically the enemy. Which makes someone who is both supernaturalanda hunter, like you Jace, public enemy number one.”

Shane shot a glance toward Jace. “They’ve been all talk up until now, but their first point on their latest memo detailed a coordinated attack to take out all the shifters on the east coast. Namely, Frankie’s pack among a few others. In their minds, if they can reclaim the east coast as a shifter free territory, they can start taking out other supernaturals with a series of targeted hits.”

“Those hateful fuckers,” David swore.

“It goes further. Anyone within the Execution Underground that opposes them has been marked potentially dangerous—a person of interest to either convert, or eventually eliminate. And our division…” Shane looked toward Damon then, “…has been deemed a rogue brotherhood among the opposition.”

“Christ,” Ash swore.

“It will take me some time to figure out how deep this fully runs, but if what I suspect is correct, this isn’t just an issue here in New York. It’s a problem with the whole organization. An organization-wide infiltration.”

The muscles in Damon’s throat writhed. “I had a feeling it might come to this.”

Jace stiffened. “What are you talking about?”

“This has been brewing ever since the Cronos buy-out. It goes far deeper than one person.” Damon cut him a harsh look. “You didn’t think it suspicious when a corporation was suddenly allowed to purchase a government sponsored entity like the Execution Underground? If you think there’s not dark money involved in his, think again.”

Jace had thought it was suspicious, but some small part of him had hoped it was his own cynicism getting to him. “And you didn’t think to tell us this?”

“We all have our secrets, Jace. You included.” Damon’s stare was so sharp it could cut. “And I needed to be certain. Announcing Headquarters was taken over by a hate group is a lofty accusation to make.”

“And now?” Shane prompted.

“And now, I’m certain.” Damon’s expression turned grim. “Faced with all this,” he said, “there’s a choice to make.” He glanced between them. “Stand with Headquarters or stand against them. We work to take them down from the inside. Together.”

Jace blinked. He couldn’t believe he was hearing this, let alone from Damon. “Are you suggesting we help tear apart the same organization we helped found?”

“Yes,” Damon answered without hesitating. “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying, Jace.” He stepped closer. “We built it and it’s our responsibility to end it now that it’s rotting from the inside.” Damon stuck his hand out between them. “Are you in or out?”

“I’m in.” Trent threw his hand over top Damon’s like they were Boy Scouts around a campfire. “Let chaos reign, baby!”

“Fuck, I’m in too.” David put his hand on Trent’s.

“Me three.” Ash stepped forward.

“Shane?” Damon turned.

The professor shook his head. “I didn’t bust my ass earning tenure to be afraid of some hate group. The course of history bends toward progress.”