Page 82 of Rogue Wolf Hunter

“Trent’s headed inside. The guards are hot on his tail.”

“You’ve got to be shitting me,” Jace said again.

“That wasn’t part of the plan,” Damon snarled.

“Plan or not, he’s headed in, which means I need to get the hell out of the control room,” Ash said, then a sudden rustle sounded on his end.

“Fuck, his mic went out,” David said.

Damon swore. “Son of bitch.”

“He’ll get out of it,” Jace assured him. “He always does.”

“The guards are back in,” David warned.

Which meant within less than two minutes, the entire facility would be searching for them. “Fuck!” Jace roared.

“Two minutes,” Shane mumbled.

“We don’t have two minutes. Do it in one!” Damon ordered.

As if in warning, the building’s internal sirens suddenly rained down from overhead, an electronic female A.I voice bellowing out a repeated, “Breech. Breech. Breech” in time with the siren’s whistles.

“Fuck!” Damon echoed.

Jace ripped the thumb drive from the computer just as Shane shouted, “Got it!”

Neither of them bothered to shut any of the open tabs before diving toward the door, but it was wrenched open from the outside at the same instant. A very naked, heavily armed Trent, stumbling in.

“Shit,” Jace bellowed.

“What in the flying fuck, Trent?” Damon swore, as the other hunter slammed and locked the door behind him. A pounding immediately started on the other side of the door.

Jace’s gaze fell to the heavy artillery in the other hunter’s hands and then to his nude form. Trent hadn’t been armed when he’d first created a distraction. “Where the hell did you store those?” he snapped.

Trent cast him a half-amused grin. “Don’t ask.”

Jace wrinkled his nose in disgust.

But another sudden thump brought him to his senses. The door was seconds from caving in.

“How do you get out of here?” That brilliant question came, of course, from Trent.

“Air vent,” Damon said, already rolling the desk chair over.

“Me first.” Trent stumbled forward.

“Hell no,” Damon snarled, the chilled blue of his eyes downright frightening, despite that he then growled, “I amnothaving your naked ass in my face.”

Had it been any other moment, Jace would have snorted at how Damon could say that with an entirely straight face, but the pounding at the door had only grown louder, causing the wood of the frame to bend in.

Jace pushed past the other two men. “Damon: second. You last. It’s me they want.” He shot a glance toward Trent, who had the gall to make a pouty face.


“Because Damon and I agree,” Jace grumbled as he hoisted himself up and into the rafters. “Not to mention your sorry naked ass was supposed to lead themawayfrom here.”

“I had to get them off my tail somehow.”